⇦ | com.github.phase1geo.outliner [main]
Last updated on: 2023-04-26 09:20 [UTC]

Metadata for com.github.phase1geo.outliner in main

com.github.phase1geo.outliner - 1.4.0 ⚙ amd64

Type: desktop-application
ID: com.github.phase1geo.outliner
Package: com.github.phase1geo.outliner
  fr: Outliner
  C: Outliner
  nl: Outliner
  fr: Organisez vos mots
  C: Organize your words
  nl: Orden je teksten
  fr: >-
    <p>Créez rapidement des plans et exportez les dans un grand nombre de formats pratiques.</p>

      <li>Créez et naviguez rapidement à travers des plans en utilisant le clavier ou la souris.</li>
      <li>Ajoutez des notes à n&apos;importe quel élément de plan.</li>
      <li>Fermez/Masquez un groupe à tout moment depuis le plan pour plus de concentration.</li>
      <li>Cherchez et remplacez rapidement n&apos;importe quel texte dans le document, notes incluses.</li>
      <li>Nombre d&apos;actions annuler/rétablir illimités pour toute modification.</li>
      <li>Enregistrement automatique en arrière-plan.</li>
      <li>Ouvrez plusieurs plans à la fois à l&apos;aide des onglets.</li>
      <li>Thèmes intégrés.</li>
      <li>Importez des fichiers au format Minder ou OPML.</li>
      <li>Prise en charge de l&apos;impression.</li>
  C: >-
    <p>Quickly create outlines and export them in a number of useful formats.</p>

      <li>Quickly create and navigate outlines using the keyboard or mouse.</li>
      <li>Full support for rich text formatting and/or Markdown formatting.</li>
      <li>Add notes to any outline text.</li>
      <li>Add tags to any outline row.</li>
      <li>Add checkboxes to any or all outline text.</li>
      <li>Close/Hide any group within the outline for increased focus.</li>
      <li>Quick search and replace of any text within the document, including notes.</li>
      <li>Optionally focus on a portion of the document at a time when editing.</li>
      <li>View document statistics such as character count, word count, row count and task information.</li>
      <li>Support for showing depth lines.</li>
      <li>Unlimited undo/redo of any change.</li>
      <li>Automatically saves in the background.</li>
      <li>Open multiple outlines with the use of tabs.</li>
      <li>Built-in themes.</li>
      <li>Support for changing fonts within a document.</li>
      <li>Import from Minder and OPML.</li>
      <li>Export to HTML, Markdown, Minder, OPML, Org-Mode, PDF and PlainText.</li>
      <li>Printer support.</li>
  nl: >-
    <p>Maak snel overzichten en exporteer ze naar een bruikbaar formaat.</p>

      <li>Maak snel overzichten en blader met je toetsenbord of muis.</li>
      <li>Volledige ondersteuning voor tekst- en/of Markdown-opmaak.</li>
      <li>Voeg aantekeningen toe.</li>
      <li>Voeg labels toe aan elke rij.</li>
      <li>Voeg aankruisvakjes toe.</li>
      <li>Sluit/Verberg elke groep binnen het overzicht om beter te kunnen focussen.</li>
      <li>Zoek en vervang snel tekst in het document of je aantekeningen.</li>
      <li>Focus een deel van het document tijdens het aanpassen.</li>
      <li>Toon documentstatistieken, zoals het aantal tekens, woorden, rijen en taakinformatie.</li>
      <li>Ondersteuning toegevoegd voor dieptelijnen.</li>
      <li>Onbeperkt ongedaan maken/opnieuw uitvoeren.</li>
      <li>Slaat automatisch op op de achtergrond.</li>
      <li>Open meerdere overzichten op tabbladen.</li>
      <li>Ingebouwde thema&apos;s.</li>
      <li>Ondersteuning voor het aanpassen van lettertypen.</li>
      <li>Importeer uit Minder en OPML.</li>
      <li>Exporteer naar HTML, Markdown, Minder, OPML, Org-modus, PDF en platte tekst.</li>
  C: Trevor Williams
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+
- Office
- WordProcessor
- Office
- WordProcessor
  - plan
  - outline
  - overzicht
  homepage: https://github.com/phase1geo/Outliner
  bugtracker: https://github.com/phase1geo/Outliner/issues
  help: https://github.com/phase1geo/Outliner/wiki
  - name: com.github.phase1geo.outliner_com.github.phase1geo.outliner.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: com.github.phase1geo.outliner_com.github.phase1geo.outliner.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - name: com.github.phase1geo.outliner_com.github.phase1geo.outliner.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
    scale: 2
  - name: com.github.phase1geo.outliner_com.github.phase1geo.outliner.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
    scale: 2
  - com.github.phase1geo.outliner.desktop
  - com.github.phase1geo.outliner
  - application/com.github.phase1geo.outliner
  - application/com.github.phase1geo.outliner
  - application/com.github.phase1geo.outliner
  - application/com.github.phase1geo.outliner
- thumbnails:
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.outliner/EAD49B5FB348B8A1CDD630B0E2D9C236/screenshots/image-1_1248x1175.png
    width: 1248
    height: 1175
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.outliner/EAD49B5FB348B8A1CDD630B0E2D9C236/screenshots/image-1_752x708.png
    width: 752
    height: 708
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.outliner/EAD49B5FB348B8A1CDD630B0E2D9C236/screenshots/image-1_624x587.png
    width: 624
    height: 587
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.outliner/EAD49B5FB348B8A1CDD630B0E2D9C236/screenshots/image-1_224x210.png
    width: 224
    height: 210
    url: com/github/phase1geo.outliner/EAD49B5FB348B8A1CDD630B0E2D9C236/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 1283
    height: 1208
- thumbnails:
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.outliner/EAD49B5FB348B8A1CDD630B0E2D9C236/screenshots/image-2_1248x1175.png
    width: 1248
    height: 1175
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.outliner/EAD49B5FB348B8A1CDD630B0E2D9C236/screenshots/image-2_752x708.png
    width: 752
    height: 708
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.outliner/EAD49B5FB348B8A1CDD630B0E2D9C236/screenshots/image-2_624x587.png
    width: 624
    height: 587
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.outliner/EAD49B5FB348B8A1CDD630B0E2D9C236/screenshots/image-2_224x210.png
    width: 224
    height: 210
    url: com/github/phase1geo.outliner/EAD49B5FB348B8A1CDD630B0E2D9C236/screenshots/image-2_orig.png
    width: 1283
    height: 1208
- version: 1.4.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1602806400
    C: >-

        <li>Added menu accelerators for Export, Print and Shortcut Cheatsheet menu items.</li>
        <li>Added support for showing notifications after export completes.</li>
        <li>Added support for Menu or Shift-F10 keyboard shortcut for showing contextual menu.</li>
        <li>Added support for displaying main rows without text as blank rows.</li>
        <li>Added support for joining two rows.</li>
        <li>Added support for hiding header bar and tab bar for focused writing mode.</li>


        <li>Updated Dutch translation (thanks to Heimen Stoffels).</li>
        <li>Improved look of menu accelerators.</li>
        <li>Changing behavior of row split.</li>
        <li>Updated shortcut cheatsheet.</li>
        <li>Adding top margin to document for improved readability.</li>
- version: 1.3.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1596326400
    C: >-

        <li>Added support for displaying/hiding row depth lines.</li>
        <li>Added support for adding and highlighting row tags, including optional auto-completion support.</li>
        <li>Added support for node filtering based on tags.</li>
        <li>Added support for stack-based focus mode.</li>
        <li>Added support for Markdown and new Markdown format toolbar.</li>
        <li>Added tooltip when mouse cursor is over a group row expander which displays the number of subrows contained within
        <li>Added support for opening one or more files from the command-line or from a file browser.</li>


        <li>Changed application icon (thanks to Nararyans R.I.)</li>
        <li>Changed default location of checkboxes to display to the right of rows.</li>
        <li>Changed behavior of unindenting a row such that row order is no longer modified.</li>
        <li>Changed behavior of the Return key when adding a new row from a group row such that the new row will be added
      to the group as the first row of that group.</li>
        <li>Changed mouse cursor when it is over a checkbox.</li>
        <li>Changed behavior of left and right keys on a group row to expand/collapse the tree one level at a time.</li>
        <li>Assigned Shift-right and Shift-left to expand/collapse the entire hierarchy for a given group row.</li>
        <li>Reorganized Node commands in keyboard shortcut cheatsheet.</li>
        <li>Updated Dutch translation (thanks to Heimen Stoffels).</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Added missing keyboard shortcut for task toggling to cheatsheet.</li>
        <li>Fixed issues with exporting supported XML-based filetypes.</li>
        <li>Fixed display issue when a descendant node is selected and one of its ancestors is collapsed.</li>
        <li>Fixed Save As window adding the .outliner prefix to a file that already has this prefix.</li>
        <li>Fixed display issue that can occur when a group is deleted.</li>
        <li>Fixed issues with undo/redo support for expanding/collapsing groups.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with pasting UTF8 strings from clipboard.</li>
- version: 1.2.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1589673600
    C: >-

        <li>Added highlight for row that the mouse cursor is currently over.</li>
        <li>Added support for row labeling for the purposes of moving and selecting rows.</li>
        <li>Added support for changing document and application default fonts.</li>
        <li>Added support for adding checkbox state to rows.</li>
        <li>Added checkbox statistics to the statistics panel.</li>
        <li>Added Org-Mode export mode.</li>


        <li>When only row is deleted, a new row will be added and placed into edit mode.</li>
        <li>Updated keyboard shortcut cheatsheet.</li>
        <li>Changed cursor and added tooltip when cursor is over URL and Control is held down.</li>
        <li>Enhanced clipboard functionality.</li>
        <li>Modified look of statistics panel to improve readability of display groups of information.</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Fixed right margin for descendant rows.</li>
        <li>Fixed exports to allow existing files to be overwritten.</li>
- version: 1.1.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1587340800
    C: >-

        <li>Added support for row cloning.</li>
        <li>Added French translation (thanks to Nathan Bonnemains).</li>
        <li>Added Dutch translation (thanks to Heimen Stoffels).</li>
        <li>Added support for subscript and superscript text formatting.</li>
        <li>Added support for using input methods.</li>
        <li>Added new keyboard shortcuts for selecting and moving rows.</li>
        <li>Added new H keyboard shortcut for positioning currently selected row at the top of the window.</li>
        <li>Added keyboard shortcuts for deleting the next or previous word.</li>
        <li>Added new selection submenu to contextual menu.</li>
        <li>Added clear formatting button to format bar.</li>


        <li>Removed support for the m command.</li>
        <li>Improved look of format bar, especially for dark themes.</li>
        <li>Changed tab bar coloring to match the background color of the current tab.</li>
        <li>Changed default filename from unnamed to be the translated name.</li>
        <li>Improved undo/redo tooltips to look better in non-English translations.</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Fixed issue with deleting a single character for multi-byte characters.</li>
        <li>Fixed application screenshots.</li>
        <li>Fixed application crash when a command used when selected row is a top-level row.</li>
        <li>Fixed issues with showing or hiding a note.</li>
        <li>Fixed New Document plank command to open a new tab after loading application data.</li>
        <li>Fixed theming issues when two tabs use different themes.</li>
        <li>Fixed translation string issues (thanks to Nathan Bonnemains).</li>
        <li>Fixed text positioning issues when tags are added to text.</li>
        <li>Fixed issues with making shortcut cheatsheet text translatable.</li>
        <li>Fixed application crash when moving a row to the top of the document.</li>
        <li>Fixed title of shortcut cheatsheet.</li>
        <li>Fixed application crashes and incorrectly placed rows when moving them via the mouse.</li>
- version: 1.0.3
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1585180800
    C: >-
      <p>Initial release!</p>
    violence-cartoon: none
    violence-fantasy: none
    violence-realistic: none
    violence-bloodshed: none
    violence-sexual: none
    violence-desecration: none
    violence-slavery: none
    violence-worship: none
    drugs-alcohol: none
    drugs-narcotics: none
    drugs-tobacco: none
    sex-nudity: none
    sex-themes: none
    sex-homosexuality: none
    sex-prostitution: none
    sex-adultery: none
    sex-appearance: none
    language-profanity: none
    language-humor: none
    language-discrimination: none
    social-chat: none
    social-info: none
    social-audio: none
    social-location: none
    social-contacts: none
    money-purchasing: none
    money-gambling: none
  x-appcenter-suggested-price: '10'
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