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Last updated on: 2023-04-26 09:18 [UTC]

Metadata for com.github.jmoerman.go-for-it in main

com.github.jmoerman.go-for-it - 1.9.2 ⚙ amd64

Type: desktop-application
ID: com.github.jmoerman.go-for-it
Package: com.github.jmoerman.go-for-it
  C: Go For It!
  'no': En stilig gjøremålsliste med innebygd produktivitets-tidsur
  pl: Stylowa lista zadań do wykonania z wbudowanym zegarem czasu pracy
  mr: अंगभूत उत्पादकता टाइमरसह स्टाईलिश टू डू यादी
  lt: Stilingas užduočių sąrašas su įtaisytu produktyvumo laikmačiu
  pt_BR: Temporizador de produtividade incorporado com a lista de tarefas elegante
  sk: Štýlový zoznam úloh so vstavaným časovačom produktivity
  de: Eine stylische Aufgabenliste mit einem Produktivitäts Timer
  ar: قائمة مهام أنيقة مع مؤقت إنتاجية مدمج
  pt: Uma lista de tarefas com um temporizador de produtividade
  C: A stylish to-do list with built-in productivity timer
  ja: 生産性を向上するタイマーを搭載した、スタイリッシュな ToDo リスト
  cs: Stylový úkolovník se zabudovaným časovačem produktivity
  ru: Стильный список задач со встроенным таймером продуктивности
  tr: Yerleşik zamanlayıcılı şık bir yapılacaklar listesi
  fr: Une liste de tâches élégante avec chronomètre de productivité intégré
  he: רשימת מטלות מסוגננת עם מתזמן יעילות מובנה
  hr: Moderan popis zadataka s ugrađenom štopericom za mjerenje produktivnosti
  ko: 생산성을 높일 수 있는 시관 관리와 함게하는 간지나는 일정 목록
  it: Un elegante elenco di cose da fare con timer di produttività integrato
  nl: Een stijlvolle takenlijst met ingebouwde productiviteitstimer
  da: En stilfuld opgaveliste med indbygget produktivitetstimer
  bg: Стилен списък със задачи с вграден таймер за продуктивност
  'no': >-
    <p>Go For It! er en stilig gjøremålsprogram med en gjøremplsliste, som har et tidsur som lar deg fokusere på nåværende

    <p>Gjøremålslister lagres i Todo.txt-formatet. Dette forenkler synkronisering med mobilenheter og gjør det mulig å redigere
    gjøremål med andre grenseflater.</p>
  mr: >-
    <p>गो फॉर ईट! एक सोपी आणि स्टाइलिश उत्पादकता अॅप आहे, ज्यात करण्याच्या सूचीची वैशिष्ट्ये टायमरसह विलीन केली आहेत जी आपले
    कार्य सध्याच्या कार्यांवर केंद्रित करते.</p>

    <p>करण्याच्या कामाच्या याद्या Todo.txt स्वरूपनात संचयित केल्या आहेत. हे मोबाइल डिव्हाइससह सिंक्रोनाइझेशन सुलभ करते आणि
    इतर फ्रंट-एंड्स वापरुन कार्य संपादित करणे शक्य करते.</p>
  pl: >-
    <p>Go For It! Prosta i stylowa aplikacja zwiększająca wydajność, zawierająca listę zadań do wykonania, połączona z timerem,
    co pozwala skupić się na bieżącym zadaniu.</p>

    <p>List zadań do wykonania są przechowywane w formacie Todo.txt . Upraszcza to synchronizację z urządzeniami mobilnymi
    oraz umożliwia edycję zadań za pomocą innych interfejsów.</p>
  lt: >-
    <p>Go For It! yra paprasta ir stilinga produktyvumo programa su užduočių sąrašu, sulietu su laikmačiu, kuris sutelkia
    jūsų dėmesį ties esama užduotimi.</p>

    <p>Užduotys yra saugomos Todo.txt formatu. Tai supaprastina sinchronizavimą su mobiliaisiais įrenginiais ir padaro įmanomą
    užduočių taisymą, naudojant kitas naudotojo sąsajas.</p>
  pt_BR: >-
    <p>O Go For It! é um aplicativo de produtividade simples e elegante, com uma lista de tarefas a fazer, mesclada com um
    temporizador que mantém o seu foco na tarefa atual.</p>

    <p>As listas de afazeres são armazenadas no formato Todo.txt. Isso simplifica a sincronização com os dispositivos móveis
    e torna possível editar as tarefas usando outros front-ends.</p>
  sk: >-
    <p>Go For It! [Choď na to!] je jednoduchá a štýlová aplikácia na zvýšenie produktivity s zoznamom úloh, zlúčená s časovačom,
    ktorý udržuje vaše sústredenie na aktuálnu úlohu.</p>

    <p>Zoznamy úloh sa ukladajú vo formáte Todo.txt. To zjednodušuje synchronizáciu s mobilnými zariadeniami a umožňuje upravovať
    úlohy pomocou iných klientskych rozhraní.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Go For It! ist eine einfache und elegante Produktivitätsanwendung mit einer Aufgabenliste, die mit einem Timer zusammengeführt
    wird, der Sie sich auf die aktuelle Aufgabe konzentriert lässt.</p>

    <p>Die Aufgaben Liste ist in Todo.txt gespeichert. Das vereinfacht die Synchronisation mit dem Telefon, und macht es möglich
    Aufgaben zu bearbeiten, mithilfe der grafischen Benutzeroberfläche.</p>
  ar: >-
    <p>جو فور ات! هو تطبيق إنتاجي بسيط وأنيق ، ويضم قائمة مهام مدمجة مع جهاز توقيت يحافظ على تركيزك على المهمة الحالية.</p>
  pt: >-
    <p>O Go For It! é uma aplicação simples de produtividade, com listas de tarefas associadas a um temporizador para se manter
    focado na tarefa atual.</p>

    <p>As listas de tarefas são guardadas no formato Todo.txt. Isto simplifica a sincronização com dispositivos móveis e torna
    possível editar tarefas com outros programas.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Go For It! is a simple and stylish productivity app, featuring a to-do list, merged with a timer that keeps your focus
    on the current task.</p>

    <p>To-do lists are stored in the Todo.txt format. This simplifies synchronization with mobile devices and makes it possible
    to edit tasks using other front-ends.</p>
  ja: >-
    <p>Go For It! はシンプルでスタイリッシュな生産性を向上するアプリです。ToDo リストが付属し、現在のタスクへの集中を継続可能にするタイマーもあわせ持っています。</p>

    <p>ToDo リストは Todo.txt に保存されます。これにより、モバイル端末との動機を容易にし、別のフロントエンドを使ってタスクを編集することを可能にします。</p>
  cs: >-
    <p>Go Fo It! je jednoduchá a stylová aplikace pro produktivitu, obsahující úkolník sloučený s časovačem, který vám pomáhá
    soustředit se na stávající úkol.</p>

    <p>Seznamy úkolů jsou ukládány ve formátu Todo.txt. To zjednodušuje synchronizaci s mobilními zařízeními a umožňuje upravovat
    úkoly pomocí jiných nadstaveb.</p>
  ru: >-
    <p>Go For It! это простое и стильное приложение продуктивности, включающее список задач, совмещенный с таймером, который
    поможет Вам сфокусироваться на текущей задаче.</p>
  tr: >-
    <p>Go For It! geçerli göreve odaklanmanızı sağlayan, yerleşik bir zamanlayıcıya sahip, yapılacaklar listesi içeren basit
    ve şık bir üretkenlik uygulamasıdır.</p>

    <p>Yapılacaklar listeleri Todo.txt biçiminde depolanır. Bu, mobil aygıtlarla eşitlemeyi basitleştirir ve diğer uygulamaları
    kullanarak görevleri düzenlemeye izin verir.</p>
  fr: >-
    <p>Go For It ! est une application de productivité simple et élégante, dotée d&apos;une liste de tâches à faire, fusionnée
    avec un chronomètre qui maintiendra votre concentration sur la tâche en cours.</p>

    <p>Les listes de tâches sont stockées au format Todo.txt. Ceci simplifie la synchronisation avec les appareils mobiles
    et permet d&apos;éditer les tâches en utilisant d&apos;autres interfaces.</p>
  he: >-
    <p>Go For It!‎ הוא יישומון להתנהלות יעילה עם רשימת מטלות שמשלבת מתזמן ששומר על מיקוד על המשימה הנוכחית.</p>

    <p>רשימות מטלות מאוחסנות בתצורת Todo.txt. מה שמפשט את הסנכרון עם מכשירים ניידים ומאפשר לערוך משימות באמצעות כלים אחרים.</p>
  hr: >-
    <p>Go For It! je jednostavan i elegantan program za povećanje produktivnosti. S popisom zadataka i štopericom fokusira
    te na trenutačni zadatak.</p>

    <p>Popisi zadataka se spremaju u Todo.txt formatu. Time se pojednostavljuje sinkronizacija s mobilnim uređajima i omogućuje
    uređivanje zadataka s drugim dodacima.</p>
  ko: >-
    <p>Go For It!은 간단하고 생산성을 높일 수 있는 프로그램입니다. 일정 리스트와 함께 있는 타이머는 현재 일에 집중할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.</p>

    <p>일정 목록은 Todo.txt 형식으로 저장됩니다. 이 방법은 모바일 기기와 편리하게 연동될 수 있도록 도와주고, 다른 기기를 통해서 일정을 수정을 가능하게 해줍니다.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Go For It! è un&apos;app di produttività semplice ed elegante, dotata di un elenco di cose da fare, unita ad un timer
    che ti concentra sull&apos;attività corrente.</p>

    <p>Gli elenchi di cose da fare sono memorizzati nel formato Todo.txt. Ciò semplifica la sincronizzazione con i dispositivi
    mobili e consente di modificare le attività utilizzando altri front-end.</p>
  nl: >-
    <p>Go For It! is een simpele en stijlvolle productiviteit app, met een takenlijst gecombineerd met een timer, die je laat
    focussen op uw huidige taak.</p>

    <p>Takenlijsten worden opgeslagen in het Todo.txt formaat. Dit versimpelt synchronisatie met mobiele apparaten en maakt
    het mogelijk om taken te bewerken met andere front-ends.</p>
  da: >-
    <p>Go For It! er en enkel og stilfuld produktivitetsapp med en opgaveliste, der er fusioneret med en timer, der holder
    fokus på den aktuelle opgave.</p>

    <p>Opgavelister gemmes i Todo.txt formatet. Dette forenkler synkronisering med mobile enheder og gør det muligt at redigere
    opgaver ved hjælp af andre værktøjer.</p>
  C: The Go For It! developers
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+
- Utility
- Utility
  - Produktivitet
  - gjøremål
  - TODO
  - Timer
  - Tidsur
  - PIM
  - Tid
  - Produktivität
  - Aufgaben.txt
  - Aufgaben
  - Timer
  - Aufgabe
  - PIM
  - Zeitmanagement
  - Produktyvumas
  - Užduotys.txt
  - Užduotys
  - Laikmatis
  - Užduotis
  - PIM
  - Laiko paskirstymas
  - Laiko valdymas
  - उत्पादकता
  - Todo.txt
  - कार्य
  - टाइमर
  - कार्य
  - PIM
  - वेळ व्यवस्थापन
  - Produtividade
  - ' Todo.txt'
  - ' A fazer'
  - ' Temporizador'
  - ' Tarefa'
  - ' PIM'
  - ' Gerenciamento de Tempo'
  - Produktivita
  - ' Todo.txt'
  - ' Todo'
  - ' Časovač'
  - ' Úloha'
  - ' PIM'
  - ' Správa času'
  - Produktywność
  - Todo.txt
  - Todo
  - Zegar
  - Zadanie
  - PIM
  - Zarządzanie czasem
  - 'الإنتاجية '
  - ' Todo '
  - ' Todo.txt '
  - ' مؤقت '
  - ' مهمة '
  - ' PIM '
  - ' إدارة الوقت '
  - פרודוקטיביות
  - יעילות
  - מטלות
  - מטלה
  - ניהול זמן
  - ניהול מטלות
  - ניהול משימות
  - מתזמן
  - טיימר
  - שעון עצר
  - Productivity
  - Todo.txt
  - Todo
  - Timer
  - Task
  - PIM
  - Time Management
  - 生産性
  - やること
  - すること
  - タイマー
  - タスク
  - 時間管理
  - Productivity
  - Todo.txt
  - Todo
  - Timer
  - Task
  - PIM
  - Time Management
  - Produtividade
  - Tarefa
  - Temporizador
  - Gestão de tarefas
  - Gestão de tempo
  - Produktivita
  - Todo.txt
  - udělat
  - časovač,úkol,PIM
  - správa času
  - Productivity
  - Todo.txt
  - Todo
  - Timer
  - Task
  - PIM
  - Time Management
  - Üretkenlik
  - Yapılacaklar
  - Zamanlayıcı
  - Görev
  - Zaman Yönetimi
  - Productivité
  - Todo.txt
  - À faire
  - Minuterie
  - Chronomètre
  - Tâche
  - PIM
  - Gestion du temps
  - Produktivnsot
  - Todo.txt
  - Todo
  - Timer
  - Tajmer
  - Štoperica
  - Zadatak
  - PIM
  - Upravljanje vremenom
  - 생산성
  - ' Todo.txt'
  - ' 일정'
  - ' 타이머'
  - ' 과제'
  - ' 개인 정보 관리 프로그램'
  - ' 시관 관리'
  - Produttività
  - Todo.txt
  - Todo
  - Timer
  - Attività
  - PIM
  - Gestione dei tempi
  - Productiviteit
  - Todo.txt
  - Todo
  - Timer
  - Taak
  - PIM
  - Tijd Management
  homepage: https://jmoerman.github.io/go-for-it/
  bugtracker: https://github.com/JMoerman/Go-For-It/issues
  help: https://github.com/JMoerman/Go-For-It/blob/master/README.md
  donation: https://jmoerman.github.io/donate/
  translate: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/go-for-it/
  - name: com.github.jmoerman.go-for-it_com.github.jmoerman.go-for-it.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: com.github.jmoerman.go-for-it_com.github.jmoerman.go-for-it.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - name: com.github.jmoerman.go-for-it_com.github.jmoerman.go-for-it.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
    scale: 2
  - com.github.jmoerman.go-for-it.desktop
- default: true
  - url: com/github/jmoerman.go-for-it/AD11A566D34188787204D1209FD05369/screenshots/image-1_1248x702.png
    width: 1248
    height: 702
  - url: com/github/jmoerman.go-for-it/AD11A566D34188787204D1209FD05369/screenshots/image-1_752x423.png
    width: 752
    height: 423
  - url: com/github/jmoerman.go-for-it/AD11A566D34188787204D1209FD05369/screenshots/image-1_624x351.png
    width: 624
    height: 351
  - url: com/github/jmoerman.go-for-it/AD11A566D34188787204D1209FD05369/screenshots/image-1_224x126.png
    width: 224
    height: 126
    url: com/github/jmoerman.go-for-it/AD11A566D34188787204D1209FD05369/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 1253
    height: 705
- version: 1.9.2
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1615161600
    C: >-

        <li>Added a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Q) to close the application.</li>


        <li>Go For It! would give an error when trying to save a todo.txt list on an SMB share. Go For It! still won&apos;t
      let you pick such a file as it cannot mount SMB shares itself.</li>
- version: 1.9.1
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1613952000
    C: >-

        <li>For each list, You can now select wether you would like to log creation dates to the todo.txt files.</li>
        <li>It should now be easier to edit list properties for touchscreen users.</li>


        <li>At startup the &quot;return to list&quot; (-&gt;) button could use the wrong icon, depending on the icon theme.</li>
        <li>The menu button would be blurry on Adwaita.</li>
- version: 1.9.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1607472000
    C: >-

        <li>It is now possible to manually select todo.txt files for the task lists instead of selecting the folder to store
      those in. It is now also no longer necessary to have a separate todo.txt file for archiving completed tasks.</li>
        <li>For each list, it is now possible to select a CSV file to log your activity to.</li>
        <li>When logging activity to a new CSV file a header describing the column contents is added.</li>
        <li>Go For It! can now play a sound when it is time to take a break or when it is time to start working again.</li>
        <li>Go For It! now supports plugins. The plugins that are currently available are 2 plugins to show the remaining
      time: one for panels supporting Ayatana appindicators and another for docks/launchers supporting the LauncherEntry API.</li>
        <li>Most tooltips now include the shortcut alternative to clicking the widget.</li>
        <li>The option to select an application stylesheet has been removed. The automatically selected stylesheet should
      work for all reasonable Gtk+ 3.0 themes.</li>
        <li>The layout of the settings dialogs has been improved.</li>
        <li>Baselines are now taken into account when aligning the tasks.</li>
        <li>Moving tasks around using drag-and-drop now looks better. The point at which the task would be inserted is now
      shown by reserving space for that task instead of just showing a stripe between the 2 rows where it would get inserted.</li>


        <li>Popovers now use the same margins as GNOME apps if not targetting elementary OS.</li>
        <li>Some popover styling issues that occurred when using one of the io.elementary.stylesheet.* Gtk themes have been
        <li>CSV output is no longer separated by both a comma and space, but just by commas.</li>
        <li>The menu entries for sorting tasks or clearing the list of completed tasks is now only shown if a task list is
- version: 1.8.7
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1606003200
    C: >-

        <li>The placeholder tasks shown when creating a new list for the first time are no longer invisible.</li>


        <li>The default application stylesheet is now by default determined at runtime. The minimal &quot;Inherit from GTK
      theme&quot; stylesheet will now be used when a theme other than Adwaita or elementary is used.</li>
        <li>A large number of translations have been updated. New translations include Danish and Hebrew.</li>
- version: 1.8.6
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1602028800
    C: >-

        <li>The option to pick themes is no longer shown when using the elementary Gtk3 theme as the &quot;Inherit from GTK
      theme&quot; application theme doesn&apos;t look right in combination with this.</li>
        <li>Arabic translations have been updated.</li>
- version: 1.8.4
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1601769600
    C: >-

        <li>The shortcuts for moving tasks up or down now work correctly.</li>


        <li>A symbolic icon variant has been added for both the logo and the checkmark icons.</li>
        <li>Various translations have been updated (Arabic, Croatian, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Norwegian Bokmål, Slovak,
      Turkish). (Most of the changes will not apply to this version, however.)</li>
- version: 1.8.3
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1601078400
    C: >-

        <li>Fixed an issue that would cause the application to crash when clearing the description of a task.</li>
        <li>Fixed several minor memory leaks.</li>
- version: 1.8.2
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1600560000
    C: >-

        <li>When switching to list overview, the previously shown list will now be selected.</li>
        <li>Various translations have been updated (Croatian, French, German, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak,
- version: 1.8.1
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1595203200
    C: >-

        <li>When using &quot;--logfile=~/something&quot;: &quot;~&quot; is now expanded.</li>
        <li>The translations for Central Kurdish, Lithuanian and Portuguese (Brazil) have been updated.</li>


        <li>The command line help now correctly shows &quot;--load LIST-TYPE LIST-ID&quot; instead of &quot;--load=LIST-TYPE
        <li>The active task did not properly refresh when pausing the timer after switching lists and interacting with the
      to-do list.</li>
- version: 1.8.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1593216000
    C: >-

        <li>Introduces configurable shortcuts.</li>
        <li>Introduces an option to log the time spent working on a task (using the timer) to the todo.txt files.</li>
        <li>A custom drag handle icon is now used instead of the &quot;view-list&quot; icon.</li>
        <li>Go For It! now highlights the task you are currently working on with ⏰.</li>
        <li>Changing the system clock or suspending your system will no longer affect the timer.</li>
        <li>It is now possible to tell Go For It! how long a task should take by adding `duration:Xh-Ym` to the description
      of a task. (Where X and Y are the number of hours and minutes respectively. For a five minute task one would need to
      add `duration:5m`.) Go For It! will notify you when you exceed this duration. (Do not forget to enable timer logging
      so Go For It! will know how much time you have spent working on a task after closing the application!)</li>
        <li>Not every break (or time between breaks) has to be of the same length: You can now use Go For It! as a pomodoro
      timer or use a custom timer schedule.</li>
        <li>Added an option to add new tasks at the start of each list instead of appending them to the end.</li>
        <li>Added &quot;--list&quot; and  &quot;--load &lt;id&gt;&quot; arguments to show the configured lists and load a
      specified list respectively.</li>
        <li>Experimental: It is now possible to log your activities to a csv file by starting Go For It! with &quot;--logfile
        <li>Many translations were updated.</li>
- version: 1.7.3
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1566777600
    C: >-

        <li>Escape now cancels the editing of a task.</li>
        <li>The following translations were updated: Turkish, German, Norwegian Bokmål, Japanese, Polish, Telugu.</li>


        <li>Work around a ListBox bug which could cause situations where no row is selected even though suitable rows exist.</li>
        <li>Keep the row focussed when the user stops editing a row.</li>
- version: 1.7.2
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1556150400
    C: >-

        <li>Switched to weblate for translations.</li>
        <li>Allow sorting by priority.</li>
        <li>The following translations were updated: Portuguese, Spanish, Lithuanian, Korean, Norwegian Bokmål.</li>
        <li>The ctrl+n shortcut was added to quickly create new tasks or lists.</li>
- version: 1.7.1
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1552867200
    C: >-

        <li>Some widgets failed to load a fallback icon when the first attempt at loading an icon failed.</li>
- version: 1.7.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1552694400
    C: >-

        <li>You can now have more than one to-do list.</li>
        <li>The application design has been updated. The application now uses less vertical space if a headerbar is used.</li>
        <li>The default stylesheet has been improved, resulting in improved looks when the application is used on elementary
        <li>Not using the elementary or Adwaita theme, or a theme with a similar color scheme? You can now select a different
      stylesheet in the settings window.</li>


        <li>Go For It! now properly exports that it uses notifications.</li>
        <li>Non ascii character were not properly parsed when parsing contexts and projects.</li>
- version: 1.6.10
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1550016000
    C: >-

        <li>Pressing delete while editing a task description would remove the task instead of removing a character.</li>


        <li>Updated french translations.</li>
- version: 1.6.9
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1543708800
    C: >-

        <li>Editing tasks was a bit finicky for certain Gtk+ 3 versions. Editing should now never be aborted immediately.</li>


        <li>Tasks can now be removed by pressing the delete key or by clicking a new delete button while editing a task.</li>
- version: 1.6.8
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1539648000
    C: >-

        <li>The application menu was not alligned correctly on Juno and likely other modern distribution releases.</li>
        <li>The use of a global dark theme no longer impacts the themeing of Go For It!, while it used to affect a part of
      the application. (Use the settings dialog if you want to use a dark theme.)</li>
- version: 1.6.7
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1538697600
    C: >-

        <li>Added minimal support for creation and completion dates as well as the priority of a task.</li>
        <li>The creation and completion dates are stored for new tasks.</li>


        <li>Dragging a selected task could cause the timer to state that all tasks are finished.</li>
    violence-cartoon: none
    violence-fantasy: none
    violence-realistic: none
    violence-bloodshed: none
    violence-sexual: none
    violence-desecration: none
    violence-slavery: none
    violence-worship: none
    drugs-alcohol: none
    drugs-narcotics: none
    drugs-tobacco: none
    sex-nudity: none
    sex-themes: none
    sex-homosexuality: none
    sex-prostitution: none
    sex-adultery: none
    sex-appearance: none
    language-profanity: none
    language-humor: none
    language-discrimination: none
    social-chat: none
    social-info: none
    social-audio: none
    social-location: none
    social-contacts: none
    money-purchasing: none
    money-gambling: none
  x-appcenter-color-primary: '#3689e6'
  x-appcenter-color-primary-text: rgb(255, 255, 255)