⇦ | com.github.donadigo.appeditor [main]
Last updated on: 2023-04-26 09:18 [UTC]

Metadata for com.github.donadigo.appeditor in main

com.github.donadigo.appeditor - 1.1.1 ⚙ amd64

Type: desktop-application
ID: com.github.donadigo.appeditor
Package: com.github.donadigo.appeditor
  lt: AppEditor
  pt_BR: AppEditor
  ja: AppEditor
  C: AppEditor
  ru: AppEditor
  tr: Menü Düzenleyici
  es: AppEditor
  fr: AppEditor
  nl_NL: Toepassingsbewerker
  it: AppEditor
  ca: AppEditor
  ja: アプリケーションメニューを編集します
  C: Edit application menu
  ru: Изменяйте меню приложений
  tr: Uygulama menülerini düzenle
  es: Editar el menú de aplicaciones
  nl_NL: Toepassingenmenu bewerken
  it: Modifica Menù Applicazione
  ca: Modifiqueu el menú d’aplicacions
  ja: >-


  C: >-
    <p>Edit application entries shown in application menu and their properties.</p>

    <p>Features include:</p>

      <li>Hide and show applications from the application menu</li>
      <li>Create new application entries</li>
      <li>Change application&apos;s display name, icon and more</li>
  ru: >-
    <p>Редактирование описания и свойств программ в меню приложений.</p>

    <p>Доступные возможности:</p>

      <li>Скрытие и отображение программ в меню приложений</li>
      <li>Создание новых записей о приложениях</li>
      <li>Изменение отображаемого имени приложение, значка и многого другого</li>
  tr: >-
    <p>Uygulama menüsünde gösterilen uygulama girişlerini ve özelliklerini düzenleyin.</p>

    <p>Özellikler şunlardır:</p>

      <li>Uygulama menüsünden uygulamaları gizleme ve gösterme</li>
      <li>Yeni uygulama girişleri oluşturma</li>
      <li>Uygulamanın görünen adını, simgesini ve daha fazlasını değiştirin</li>
  es: >-
    <p>Edite las entradas del menú de aplicaciones y sus propiedades.</p>

    <p>Algunas de las funcionalidades son:</p>

      <li>Ocultar y mostrar entradas del menú de aplicaciones</li>
      <li>Crear entradas de aplicación nuevas</li>
      <li>Cambiar el nombre mostrado de una aplicación, su icono y más</li>
  fr: >-
    <p>Modifiez les raccourcis et leurs propriétés dans le menu des applications.</p>

    <p>Fonctionnalités incluses:</p>

      <li>Changer le nom d&apos;une application, son icône, etc</li>
  nl_NL: >-
    <p>Bewerk menu-items uit het toepassingenmenu, inclusief hun eigenschappen.</p>

    <p>Het bevat de volgende mogelijkheden:</p>

      <li>Toon en verberg items uit het toepassingenmenu</li>
      <li>Maak nieuwe menu-items</li>
      <li>Pas de weergavenaam, het pictogram en meer aan</li>
  it: >-
    <p>Modifica le voci dell&apos;applicazione visualizzate nel menu le relative proprietà.</p>

    <p>Funzionalità incluse:</p>

      <li>Mostra e nascondi le applicazioni nel Menù Applicazioni</li>
      <li>Crea nuova voce applicazione</li>
      <li>Cambia il nome visualizzato dell&apos;applicazione, la sua icona ed altro</li>
  ca: >-
    <p>Modifiqueu les entrades mostrades al menú d’aplicacions i les seves propietats.</p>

    <p>Funcionalitats distintives:</p>

      <li>Amagueu i mostreu entrades al menú d’aplicacions</li>
      <li>Creeu-ne de noves</li>
      <li>Canvieu el nom visible, la icona i molt més per cada aplicació</li>
  C: Adam Bieńkowski
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+
- System
- System
  - アプリケーション
  - 編集
  - エントリー
  - application
  - edit
  - entry
  - application
  - edit
  - entry
  - application
  - edit
  - entry
  - uygulama
  - giriş
  - düzenleyici
  - aplicación
  - editar
  - entrada
  - application
  - modifier
  - raccourci
  - toepassing
  - bewerken
  - item
  - aplicació
  - edició
  - entrada
  - applicazione
  - modifica
  - voce
  homepage: https://github.com/donadigo/appeditor
  bugtracker: https://github.com/donadigo/appeditor/issues
  help: https://github.com/donadigo/appeditor
  - name: com.github.donadigo.appeditor_com.github.donadigo.appeditor.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: com.github.donadigo.appeditor_com.github.donadigo.appeditor.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - name: com.github.donadigo.appeditor_com.github.donadigo.appeditor.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
    scale: 2
  - com.github.donadigo.appeditor.desktop
  - com.github.donadigo.appeditor
- default: true
  - url: com/github/donadigo.appeditor/F19F284BE57C9E27370BCAE1FCFFBDA4/screenshots/image-1_752x526.png
    width: 752
    height: 526
  - url: com/github/donadigo.appeditor/F19F284BE57C9E27370BCAE1FCFFBDA4/screenshots/image-1_624x436.png
    width: 624
    height: 436
  - url: com/github/donadigo.appeditor/F19F284BE57C9E27370BCAE1FCFFBDA4/screenshots/image-1_224x156.png
    width: 224
    height: 156
    url: com/github/donadigo.appeditor/F19F284BE57C9E27370BCAE1FCFFBDA4/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 1000
    height: 700
- version: 1.1.1
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1587081600
    C: >-
      <p>This release includes translation updates:</p>

        <li>Dutch translation (Heimen Stoffels)</li>
        <li>Spanish, Catalan translation (Adolfo Jayme-Barrientos)</li>
        <li>Japanese translation (Ryo Nakano)</li>
        <li>French translation (Nathan Bonnemains, dabou)</li>
        <li>Turkish translation (Serdar Sağlam)</li>
        <li>Russian translation (Camellan)</li>
        <li>Lithuanian translation (welaq)</li>
        <li>Italian translation</li>
- version: 1.1.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1533945600
    C: >-
      <p>This release includes added support for elementary OS Juno, miscellaneous improvements and new translations:</p>

        <li>German translation (ChristianPauly)</li>
        <li>Japanese translation (Ryo Nakano)</li>
        <li>Brazilian Portuguese translation (Filipe de Almeida Garrett)</li>

      <p>New features:</p>

        <li>It is now possible to create a menu entry directly from the file manager: right click on an executable file and
      choose &quot;Create a Menu Entry&quot;</li>
        <li>New shortcuts added:</li>
        <li>Ctrl+N: Create a new menu entry</li>
        <li>Ctrl+F: Focus the search entry</li>
        <li>Ctrl+D: Duplicate selected entry</li>


        <li>Some strings are not displayed in translated languages (Ryo Nakano)</li>
        <li>Improper escaping of special characters in display name and description</li>
- version: 1.0.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1515974400
    C: >-
      <p>This release contains many new features and bug fixes as well as added suport for translations:</p>

        <li>French translation (dabou)</li>
        <li>Russian translation (Cammelan)</li>
        <li>Spanish translation (Juan Gómez Carrillo)</li>

      <p>New features:</p>

        <li>Added a button to duplicate a specifc application entry</li>
        <li>New &quot;Advanced&quot; section: add a new &quot;Uses Notitifications&quot; key</li>


        <li>Fixed crashes when saving an entry with an equal sign in it&apos;s command line property</li>
        <li>Sometimes deleting a local entry would cause it to stay in the sidebar until the next launch</li>
        <li>Sometimes creating a new entry caused a crash</li>
        <li>The page would not update after saving the entry</li>


        <li>Save unsaved entries when quitting the application</li>
        <li>Clear the search entry when creating a new application entry</li>
- version: 0.9.3
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1503187200
    C: >-
      <p>New features:</p>

        <li>Added a button to open the entry in a text editor</li>
        <li>Added a switch to show hidden entries (disabled by default)</li>


        <li>Fixed some applications like Inkscape not saving their name properly</li>
        <li>The main window can be now maximized</li>
- version: 0.9.2
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1502755200
    C: >-
      <p>Add meson dependency to debian packaging</p>
- version: 0.9.1
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1502755200
    C: >-
      <p>Fix debian packaging</p>
- version: 0.9.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1502755200
    C: >-
      <p>Initial release</p>
    violence-cartoon: none
    violence-fantasy: none
    violence-realistic: none
    violence-bloodshed: none
    violence-sexual: none
    violence-desecration: none
    violence-slavery: none
    violence-worship: none
    drugs-alcohol: none
    drugs-narcotics: none
    drugs-tobacco: none
    sex-nudity: none
    sex-themes: none
    sex-homosexuality: none
    sex-prostitution: none
    sex-adultery: none
    sex-appearance: none
    language-profanity: none
    language-humor: none
    language-discrimination: none
    social-chat: none
    social-info: none
    social-audio: none
    social-location: none
    social-contacts: none
    money-purchasing: none
    money-gambling: none
  x-appcenter-suggested-price: '5'
  x-appcenter-stripe: pk_live_kLBb0UiuMVWOwIwv1P2FBFP200JTi68T73
  x-appcenter-color-primary: '#32e3ca'
  x-appcenter-color-primary-text: '#0A332D'