⇦ | com.github.cassidyjames.dippi [main]
Last updated on: 2023-04-26 09:18 [UTC]

Metadata for com.github.cassidyjames.dippi in main

com.github.cassidyjames.dippi.desktop - 2.6.3 ⚙ amd64

Type: desktop-application
ID: com.github.cassidyjames.dippi.desktop
Package: com.github.cassidyjames.dippi
  fr_CA: Dippi
  lt: Dippi
  C: Dippi
  en_CA: Dippi
  es: Dippi
  fr: Dippi
  en_GB: Dippi
  en_AU: Dippi
  fr: Calculez les informations de l'écran comme le DPI ou le ratio
  C: Calculate display info like DPI and aspect ratio
  en_AU: Calculate display info like DPI and aspect ratio
  fr_CA: Calculez les informations de l'écran comme le DPI ou le ratio
  lt: Apskaičiuoti tokią ekrano informaciją kaip taškus colyje (DPI) ir proporcijas
  en_GB: Calculate display info like DPI and aspect ratio
  en_CA: Calculate display info like DPI and aspect ratio
  fr_CA: >-
    <p>Analysez n&apos;importe quel écran. Entrez de simples détails à son propos et obtenez son ratio, son DPI, et d&apos;autres
    détails. Ainsi, vous pourrez plus aisément décider quel ordinateur portable ou écran acheter, et savoir si il sera considéré
    comme HiDPI.</p>

    <p>Fonctionnalités utiles:</p>

      <li>Déterminez si un écran est un bon choix en vous basant sur sa diagonale et sa résolution</li>
      <li>Obtenez des conseils sur différentes densités d&apos;écran</li>
      <li>Apprendre la résolution logique</li>
      <li>Stupidement simple: tout dans une p&apos;tite fenêtre toute mignone</li>

    <p>Basé sur l&apos;expertise de Cassidy James Blaede et sur la logique que System76 utilise pour déterminer la résolution
    et la diagonale d&apos;écran.</p>

    <p>Vous dit si la densité d&apos;un écran a:</p>

      <li>DPI très faible</li>
      <li>DPI plutôt faible</li>
      <li>Densité idéale pour le LoDPI</li>
      <li>DPI potentiellement problèmatique</li>
      <li>Densité idéale pour le HiDPI</li>
      <li>Densité plutôt haute pour le HiDPI, ou</li>
      <li>DPI trop haut</li>


      <li>Daniel Foré pour ses exemples d&apos;apps</li>
      <li>David Jordan pour son aide sur la détermination des aires DPI</li>
  lt: >-
    <p>Išanalizuokite bet kurį ekraną. Įveskite kai kurią paprastą informaciją ir sužinokite proporcijas, taškus colyje (DPI)
    ir kitą tam tikro ekrano informaciją. Puikiai tinka sprendžiant kurį nešiojamąjį kompiuterį ar išorinį ekraną įsigyti,
    ir ar jis bus laikomas HiDPI.</p>

    <p>Naudingos ypatybės:</p>

      <li>Sužinokite ar ekranas pagal savo dydį ir raišką yra geras pasirinkimas</li>
      <li>Gaukite patarimus apie įvairius tankius</li>
      <li>Sužinokite loginę raišką</li>
      <li>Atskirkite nešiojamųjų ir stalinių kompiuterių ekranus</li>
      <li>Kvailai paprasta:  viskas viename mažame lange</li>

    <p>Paremta Cassidy James Blaede kompetencija ir tikraisiais loginiais System76 naudojimais, skirtais nustatyti ekrano
    dydžio ir raiškos kombinacijas.</p>

    <p>Nurodo ar ekrano tankis yra:</p>

      <li>Labai žemo DPI,</li>
      <li>Pakankamai žemo DPI,</li>
      <li>Idealus LoDPI,</li>
      <li>Galimai problematiškas,</li>
      <li>Idealus HiDPI,</li>
      <li>Pakankamai didelis HiDPI ar</li>
      <li>Per didelio DPI</li>

    <p>Ypatingos padėkos:</p>

      <li>Micah Ilbery už blizgančias piktogramas</li>
      <li>Daniel Foré už jo programas, skirtas naudoti kaip kodo pavyzdžius</li>
      <li>David Jordan už pagalbą nustatant DPI rėžius</li>
  C: >-
    <p>Analyze any display. Input a few simple details and figure out the aspect ratio, DPI, and other details of a particular
    display. Great for deciding which laptop or external monitor to purchase, and if it would be considered HiDPI.</p>

    <p>Handy features:</p>

      <li>Find out if a display is a good choice based on its size and resolution</li>
      <li>Get advice about different densities</li>
      <li>Learn the logical resolution</li>
      <li>Differentiate between laptops and desktop displays</li>
      <li>Stupid simple: all in a cute li&apos;l window</li>

    <p>Based on the expertise of Cassidy James Blaede and the actual logic System76 uses to determine screen size and resolution

    <p>Tells you if a display‘s density is:</p>

      <li>Very Low DPI,</li>
      <li>Fairly Low DPI,</li>
      <li>Ideal for LoDPI,</li>
      <li>Potentially Problematic,</li>
      <li>Ideal for HiDPI,</li>
      <li>Fairly High for HiDPI, or</li>
      <li>Too High DPI</li>

    <p>Special thanks:</p>

      <li>Micah Ilbery for the shiny icons</li>
      <li>Daniel Foré for his apps to use as code examples</li>
      <li>David Jordan for helping determine DPI ranges</li>
  en_CA: >-
    <p>Analyze any display. Input a few simple details and figure out the aspect ratio, DPI, and other details of a particular
    display. Great for deciding which laptop or external monitor to purchase, and if it would be considered HiDPI.</p>

    <p>Handy features:</p>

      <li>Find out if a display is a good choice based on its size and resolution</li>
      <li>Get advice about different densities</li>
      <li>Stupid simple: all in a cute li&apos;l window</li>

    <p>Based on the expertise of Cassidy James Blaede and the actual logic System76 uses to determine screen size and resolution

    <p>Tells you if a display‘s density is:</p>

      <li>Very Low DPI,</li>
      <li>Fairly Low DPI,</li>
      <li>Ideal for LoDPI,</li>
      <li>Potentially Problematic,</li>
      <li>Ideal for HiDPI,</li>
      <li>Fairly High for HiDPI, or</li>
      <li>Too High DPI</li>

    <p>Special thanks:</p>

      <li>Daniel Foré for his apps to use as code examples</li>
      <li>David Jordan for helping determine DPI ranges</li>
  es: >-
      <li>DPI demasiado alto</li>


  fr: >-
    <p>Analysez n&apos;importe quel écran. Entrez de simples détails à son propos et obtenez son ratio, son DPI, et d&apos;autres
    détails. Ainsi, vous pourrez plus aisément décider quel ordinateur portable ou écran acheter, et savoir si il sera considéré
    comme HiDPI.</p>

    <p>Fonctionnalités utiles:</p>

      <li>Déterminez si un écran est un bon choix en vous basant sur sa diagonale et sa résolution</li>
      <li>Obtenez des conseils sur différentes densités d&apos;écran</li>
      <li>Apprendre la résolution logique</li>
      <li>Stupidement simple: tout dans une p&apos;tite fenêtre toute mignone</li>

    <p>Basé sur l&apos;expertise de Cassidy James Blaede et sur la logique que System76 utilise pour déterminer la résolution
    et la diagonale d&apos;écran.</p>

    <p>Vous dit si la densité d&apos;un écran a:</p>

      <li>DPI très faible</li>
      <li>DPI plutôt faible</li>
      <li>Densité idéale pour le LoDPI</li>
      <li>DPI potentiellement problèmatique</li>
      <li>Densité idéale pour le HiDPI</li>
      <li>Densité plutôt haute pour le HiDPI, ou</li>
      <li>DPI trop haut</li>


      <li>Daniel Foré pour ses exemples d&apos;apps</li>
      <li>David Jordan pour son aide sur la détermination des aires DPI</li>
  en_GB: >-
    <p>Analyze any display. Input a few simple details and figure out the aspect ratio, DPI, and other details of a particular
    display. Great for deciding which laptop or external monitor to purchase, and if it would be considered HiDPI.</p>

    <p>Handy features:</p>

      <li>Find out if a display is a good choice based on its size and resolution</li>
      <li>Get advice about different densities</li>
      <li>Stupid simple: all in a cute li&apos;l window</li>

    <p>Based on the expertise of Cassidy James Blaede and the actual logic System76 uses to determine screen size and resolution

    <p>Tells you if a display‘s density is:</p>

      <li>Very Low DPI,</li>
      <li>Fairly Low DPI,</li>
      <li>Ideal for LoDPI,</li>
      <li>Potentially Problematic,</li>
      <li>Ideal for HiDPI,</li>
      <li>Fairly High for HiDPI, or</li>
      <li>Too High DPI</li>

    <p>Special thanks:</p>

      <li>Daniel Foré for his apps to use as code examples</li>
      <li>David Jordan for helping determine DPI ranges</li>
  en_AU: >-
    <p>Analyze any display. Input a few simple details and figure out the aspect ratio, DPI, and other details of a particular
    display. Great for deciding which laptop or external monitor to purchase, and if it would be considered HiDPI.</p>

    <p>Handy features:</p>

      <li>Find out if a display is a good choice based on its size and resolution</li>
      <li>Get advice about different densities</li>
      <li>Stupid simple: all in a cute li&apos;l window</li>

    <p>Based on the expertise of Cassidy James Blaede and the actual logic System76 uses to determine screen size and resolution

    <p>Tells you if a display‘s density is:</p>

      <li>Very Low DPI,</li>
      <li>Fairly Low DPI,</li>
      <li>Ideal for LoDPI,</li>
      <li>Potentially Problematic,</li>
      <li>Ideal for HiDPI,</li>
      <li>Fairly High for HiDPI, or</li>
      <li>Too High DPI</li>

    <p>Special thanks:</p>

      <li>Daniel Foré for his apps to use as code examples</li>
      <li>David Jordan for helping determine DPI ranges</li>
  C: Cassidy James Blaede
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+
- Utility
  - DPI
  - densité
  - écran
  - résolution
  - largeure
  - hauteure
  - HiDPI
  - loDPI
  - aspect
  - ratio
  - DPI
  - density
  - monitor
  - resolution
  - display
  - width
  - height
  - screen
  - HiDPI
  - loDPI
  - aspect
  - ratio
  - DPI
  - density
  - monitor
  - resolution
  - display
  - width
  - height
  - screen
  - HiDPI
  - loDPI
  - aspect
  - ratio
  - DPI
  - densité
  - écran
  - résolution
  - largeure
  - hauteure
  - HiDPI
  - loDPI
  - aspect
  - ratio
  - DPI
  - tankis
  - monitorius
  - ekranas
  - raiška
  - skiriamoji geba
  - ekranas
  - plotis
  - aukštis
  - HiDPI
  - loDPI
  - proporcija
  - proporcijos
  - santykis
  - DPI
  - density
  - monitor
  - resolution
  - display
  - width
  - height
  - screen
  - HiDPI
  - loDPI
  - aspect
  - ratio
  - DPI
  - density
  - monitor
  - resolution
  - display
  - width
  - height
  - screen
  - HiDPI
  - loDPI
  - aspect
  - ratio
  homepage: https://cassidyjames.com/dippi/
  bugtracker: https://github.com/cassidyjames/dippi/issues
  translate: https://github.com/cassidyjames/dippi/tree/master/po
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  - com.github.cassidyjames.dippi
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    width: 1248
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    url: com/github/cassidyjames.dippi.desktop/0EF6D504EA7E750E011C8E221E955479/screenshots/image-4_orig.png
    width: 1730
    height: 898
- version: 2.6.3
  unix-timestamp: 1523664000
    C: >-
      <p>Added translation link to app data</p>
- version: 2.6.2
  unix-timestamp: 1523318400
    C: >-
      <p>Lithuanian Translation</p>

        <li>Lithuanian translation thanks to welaq</li>
        <li>Fixed deprecation</li>
- version: 2.6.1
  unix-timestamp: 1521417600
    C: >-
      <p>Translation &amp; Tweaks</p>

        <li>French translations</li>
        <li>Hide labels when data is invalid</li>
        <li>Fix max length on width entry</li>
        <li>Fix displayed AppData</li>

      <p>Behind the scenes:</p>

        <li>Add editorconfig and Travis for more consistency</li>
        <li>Split utilities out into their own file</li>
- version: 2.5.4
  unix-timestamp: 1517961600
    C: >-
      <p>AppData tweaks</p>
- version: 2.5.3
  unix-timestamp: 1517702400
    C: >-

        <li>Window no longer resizes when switching between analyses</li>
- version: 2.5.2
  unix-timestamp: 1517702400
    C: >-
      <p>Under the hood changes:</p>

        <li>Include success icon as a fallback for other icon sets</li>
- version: 2.5.1
  unix-timestamp: 1516406400
    C: >-

        <li>Tweaked DPI ranges for internal displays to be a tiny more strict for the “ideal” range</li>
        <li>Metadata additions and tweaks</li>


        <li>Install all available icon sizes</li>
        <li>Allow all languages to be translated</li>

      <p>And more! Read the recent blog post at goo.gl/tKwkq4</p>
- version: 2.5.0
  unix-timestamp: 1515888000
    C: >-
        <li>Added logical resolution</li>
        <li>Cleaned up design by moving display details to below the analysis</li>
- version: 2.4.0
  unix-timestamp: 1515801600
    C: >-
        <li>New purple accent color</li>
        <li>Refined margins and alignment</li>
        <li>Escape now closes the window</li>
        <li>Lots of little code cleanup</li>
- version: 2.3.3
  unix-timestamp: 1515715200
    C: >-
        <li>Fix bug with setting display icon</li>
        <li>Under-the-hood fixes</li>
- version: 2.3.0
  unix-timestamp: 1515715200
    C: >-
      <p>Display icon now changes according to display type</p>
- version: 2.2.1
  unix-timestamp: 1515628800
    C: >-
        <li>Select between laptop or desktop</li>
        <li>Refreshed icons thanks to Micah Ilbery</li>
- version: 2.1.0
  unix-timestamp: 1515628800
    C: >-
        <li>Completely reworked DPI ranges</li>
        <li>Differentiate between laptops and desktop displays</li>
        <li>Tweaked DPI assessment and reasoning copy</li>
        <li>Flattened titlebar</li>
        <li>Fixed bugs and warnings</li>
- version: 2.0.0
  unix-timestamp: 1515542400
    C: >-
        <li>All new side-by-side UI</li>
        <li>Tweaked DPI assessment and reasoning copy</li>
        <li>Added icons to make assessment clearer</li>
- version: 1.2.0
  unix-timestamp: 1515542400
    C: >-
        <li>Made visualization interactive!</li>
        <li>Added Cassidy-approval and reasoning</li>
        <li>Fix a bug where sometimes an extra zero would sneak in</li>
        <li>Under-the-hood restructuring</li>
- version: 1.0.1
  unix-timestamp: 1515456000
    C: >-
        <li>Shiny new icon</li>
        <li>Added visualization to UI</li>
        <li>Significant code cleanup</li>
- version: 0.1.5
  unix-timestamp: 1515456000
    C: >-
      <p>Initial release for AppCenter</p>
    violence-cartoon: none
    violence-fantasy: none
    violence-realistic: none
    violence-bloodshed: none
    violence-sexual: none
    violence-desecration: none
    violence-slavery: none
    violence-worship: none
    drugs-alcohol: none
    drugs-narcotics: none
    drugs-tobacco: none
    sex-nudity: none
    sex-themes: none
    sex-homosexuality: none
    sex-prostitution: none
    sex-adultery: none
    sex-appearance: none
    language-profanity: none
    language-humor: none
    language-discrimination: none
    social-chat: none
    social-info: none
    social-audio: none
    social-location: none
    social-contacts: none
    money-purchasing: none
    money-gambling: none
  x-appcenter-suggested-price: '4'
  x-appcenter-stripe: pk_live_MlVmu3nBmzojeCI5H26taPE4
  x-appcenter-color-primary: '#525'
  x-appcenter-color-primary-text: '#fffffc'