⇦ | com.github.bitseater.weather [main]
Last updated on: 2023-04-26 09:18 [UTC]

Hints for com.github.bitseater.weather in main

com.github.bitseater.weather.desktop ⚙ amd64


  • metainfo-validation-hint
    Validation of the metainfo file yielded the following hint: The component summary should not end with a "." [Conegui la previsió meteorològica de les pròximes hores i dies, amb dades i mapes.]
  • metainfo-validation-hint
    Validation of the metainfo file yielded the following hint: The component summary should not end with a "." [Conozca la previsión meteorológica de las próximas horas y días, con datos y mapas.]