⇦ | com.github.phase1geo.minder [main]
Last updated on: 2023-04-26 09:18 [UTC]

Metadata for com.github.phase1geo.minder in main

com.github.phase1geo.minder - 1.12.5 ⚙ amd64

Type: desktop-application
ID: com.github.phase1geo.minder
Package: com.github.phase1geo.minder
  fr: Minder
  C: Minder
  pt: Minder
  fr: Créez, développez et visualisez vos idées
  C: Create, develop and visualize your ideas
  pt: Crie, desenvolva e visualize as suas ideias
  fr: >-
    <p>Utilisez le pouvoir des cartes mentales pour donner vie à vos idées.</p>

      <li>Créez rapidement des cartes mentales visuelles en utilisant le clavier et la mise en forme automatique.</li>
      <li>Ajoutez des notes, des tâches et des images à vos nœuds.</li>
      <li>Ajoutez des connexions nœud-vers-nœud avec en option du texte et des notes.</li>
      <li>Stylisez les nœuds, liens et connexions pour ajouter plus de sens et améliorer la lisibilité.</li>
      <li>Recherche rapide de notes et titres de nœuds et connexions, incluant des options de filtrage.</li>
      <li>Zoomez pour vous concentrer sur certaines idées ou dézoomez pour visualiser une image plus grande.</li>
      <li>Entrez en mode concentration pour une vue plus claire et mieux apréhender les zones de la carte.</li>
      <li>Possibilité infinie d&apos;annuler/rétablir des modifications.</li>
      <li>Sauvegarde automatique en arrière-plan.</li>
      <li>Branches de nœuds colorées.</li>
      <li>Ouvrez plusieurs carte mentales en utilisant les onglets.</li>
      <li>Thèmes intégrés et personnalisables.</li>
      <li>Magnifiques animations.</li>
      <li>Prise en charge de l&apos;impression.</li>
  C: >-
    <p>Use the power of mind-mapping to make your ideas come to life.</p>

      <li>Quickly create visual mind-maps using the keyboard and automatic layout.</li>
      <li>Choose from many tree layout choices.</li>
      <li>Support for Markdown formatting.</li>
      <li>Add notes, tasks and images to your nodes.</li>
      <li>Add node-to-node connections with optional text and notes.</li>
      <li>Stylize nodes, links and connections to add more meaning and improve readability.</li>
      <li>Add stickers and node groups to call out and visibly organize information.</li>
      <li>Quick search of node and connection titles and notes, including filtering options.</li>
      <li>Zoom in or enable focus mode to focus on certain ideas or zoom out to see the bigger picture.</li>
      <li>Enter focus mode to better view and understand portions of the map.</li>
      <li>Unlimited undo/redo of any change.</li>
      <li>Automatically saves in the background.</li>
      <li>Colorized node branches.</li>
      <li>Open multiple mindmaps with the use of tabs.</li>
      <li>Built-in and customizable theming.</li>
      <li>Gorgeous animations.</li>
      <li>Import from OPML, FreeMind, Freeplane, PlainText (formatted), Outliner, PlantUML, Portable Minder and XMind formats.</li>
      <li>Export to CSV, FreeMind, Freeplane, JPEG, BMP, SVG, Markdown, Mermaid, OPML, Org-Mode, Outliner, PDF, PNG, PlainText,
    PlantUML, Portable Minder, XMind and yEd formats.</li>
      <li>Printer support.</li>
  pt: >-
    <p>Use o poder de mapear a mente para fazer com que as suas ideias ganhem vida.</p>

      <li>Crie mapas mentais visuais rapidamente usando o teclado e o layout automático.</li>
      <li>Escolha entre várias opções de leyout de árvore.</li>
      <li>Suporte para formatação Markdown.</li>
      <li>Adicione notas, tarefas e imagens aos seus nós.</li>
      <li>Adicione conexões nó a nó com texto opcional e notas.</li>
      <li>Personalize o estilo de nós, ligações e conexões para adicionar mais significado e melhorar a legibilidade.</li>
      <li>Adicione autocolantes e grupos de nós para destacar e organizar a informação para esta se tornar mais visível.</li>
      <li>Procura rápida de títulos e notas de nós e conexões, incluindo opções de filtragem.</li>
      <li>Amplie ou ative o modo de concentração para se focar mais em certas ideias ou reduza a ampliação para ver a grande
      <li>Entre no modo de concentração para visualizar e perceber melhor as porções do mapa.</li>
      <li>Desfazer/refazer ilimitado para qualquer alteração.</li>
      <li>Grava automaticamente em segundo plano.</li>
      <li>Ramificações de nós coloridas.</li>
      <li>Abrir múltiplos mapas mentais com o uso de guias.</li>
      <li>Tema incorporado e personalizável.</li>
      <li>Animações lindas.</li>
      <li>Suporte para impressora.</li>
  C: Trevor Williams
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+
- Utility
- Office
- Development
- Utility
- Office
- Development
  - Mentale
  - Carte
  - Mind
  - Mapping
  - Mind
  - Mente
  - Mapping
  - Mapear
  homepage: https://github.com/phase1geo/minder/
  bugtracker: https://github.com/phase1geo/minder/issues/
  - name: com.github.phase1geo.minder_com.github.phase1geo.minder.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: com.github.phase1geo.minder_com.github.phase1geo.minder.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - name: com.github.phase1geo.minder_com.github.phase1geo.minder.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
    scale: 2
  - com.github.phase1geo.minder.desktop
  - com.github.phase1geo.minder
  - application/com.github.phase1geo.minder
  - application/com.github.phase1geo.minder
  - application/com.github.phase1geo.minder
  - application/com.github.phase1geo.minder
- caption:
    fr: Barre latérale des propriétés des nœuds et connexions
    C: Node/Connection Property Sidebar
    pt: Barra Lateral das Propriedades de Nó/Conexão
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.minder/E6649E89F490F517BC5F4B2110DCC885/screenshots/image-1_1248x853.png
    width: 1248
    height: 853
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.minder/E6649E89F490F517BC5F4B2110DCC885/screenshots/image-1_752x514.png
    width: 752
    height: 514
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.minder/E6649E89F490F517BC5F4B2110DCC885/screenshots/image-1_624x426.png
    width: 624
    height: 426
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.minder/E6649E89F490F517BC5F4B2110DCC885/screenshots/image-1_224x153.png
    width: 224
    height: 153
    url: com/github/phase1geo.minder/E6649E89F490F517BC5F4B2110DCC885/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 1523
    height: 1041
- caption:
    fr: Barre latérale des propriétés de style
    C: Style Property Sidebar
    pt: Personalizar Propriedades da Barra Lateral
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.minder/E6649E89F490F517BC5F4B2110DCC885/screenshots/image-2_1248x853.png
    width: 1248
    height: 853
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.minder/E6649E89F490F517BC5F4B2110DCC885/screenshots/image-2_752x514.png
    width: 752
    height: 514
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.minder/E6649E89F490F517BC5F4B2110DCC885/screenshots/image-2_624x426.png
    width: 624
    height: 426
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.minder/E6649E89F490F517BC5F4B2110DCC885/screenshots/image-2_224x153.png
    width: 224
    height: 153
    url: com/github/phase1geo.minder/E6649E89F490F517BC5F4B2110DCC885/screenshots/image-2_orig.png
    width: 1523
    height: 1041
- caption:
    C: Sticker Property Sidebar
    pt: Barra Lateral das Propriedades de Autocolantes
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.minder/E6649E89F490F517BC5F4B2110DCC885/screenshots/image-3_1248x853.png
    width: 1248
    height: 853
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.minder/E6649E89F490F517BC5F4B2110DCC885/screenshots/image-3_752x514.png
    width: 752
    height: 514
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.minder/E6649E89F490F517BC5F4B2110DCC885/screenshots/image-3_624x426.png
    width: 624
    height: 426
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.minder/E6649E89F490F517BC5F4B2110DCC885/screenshots/image-3_224x153.png
    width: 224
    height: 153
    url: com/github/phase1geo.minder/E6649E89F490F517BC5F4B2110DCC885/screenshots/image-3_orig.png
    width: 1523
    height: 1041
- caption:
    fr: Barre latérale des propriétés de la carte
    C: Map Property Sidebar
    pt: Barra Lateral das Propriedades do Mapa
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.minder/E6649E89F490F517BC5F4B2110DCC885/screenshots/image-4_1248x853.png
    width: 1248
    height: 853
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.minder/E6649E89F490F517BC5F4B2110DCC885/screenshots/image-4_752x514.png
    width: 752
    height: 514
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.minder/E6649E89F490F517BC5F4B2110DCC885/screenshots/image-4_624x426.png
    width: 624
    height: 426
  - url: com/github/phase1geo.minder/E6649E89F490F517BC5F4B2110DCC885/screenshots/image-4_224x153.png
    width: 224
    height: 153
    url: com/github/phase1geo.minder/E6649E89F490F517BC5F4B2110DCC885/screenshots/image-4_orig.png
    width: 1523
    height: 1041
- version: 1.12.5
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1623628800
    C: >-

        <li>Updated Italian translation (thanks to @albanobattistella)</li>
        <li>Updated Russian translation (thanks to Alexandre Prokoudine)</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Added missing translatable strings in various parts of the UI.</li>
        <li>Fixed URL parser issues.</li>
        <li>Fixed application crash when forward deleting non-Latin text.</li>
- version: 1.12.4
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1622592000
    C: >-

        <li>Small optimization to Meson build procedure.</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Fixed compile and run issue for distros lacking full granite support.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with displaying correct themes when themes are hidden that don&apos;t match system theme.</li>
        <li>Added missing translatable strings.</li>
- version: 1.12.3
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1621641600
    C: >-

        <li>Added rounded branching style.</li>
        <li>Added support for drawing clickable folding areas.</li>


        <li>Updated Italian translation (thanks to @albanobattistella)</li>
        <li>Changed shape of the unfold indicator.</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Fixed application crash on Manjaro.</li>
        <li>Fixed link drawing order regression.</li>
        <li>Removed error output when XML storage files do not exist.</li>
        <li>Fixed parsing issue with filepaths starting with file://.</li>
- version: 1.12.2
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1619136000
    C: >-

        <li>Added support for Control-Home/End to move the cursor to the beginning/end of the text.</li>
        <li>Added support for folded children count tooltip.</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Fixed issue where selected text at beginning of text would not be deleted when the Backspace key was used.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue where selected text at end of text would not be deleted when the Delete key was used.</li>
        <li>Fixed selection issues after moving the cursor by a word.</li>
        <li>Fixed Home/End keys to move the cursor to the beginning/end of the current line.</li>
        <li>Fixed node size and layout when system text size changes between Minder sessions.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with application crashing when older Minder file is loaded that used a custom theme.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with node sidebar image not being properly updated when sidebar is hidden.</li>
        <li>Fixed square branch link drawing when some links have arrows drawn in them.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with the background border being drawn around link arrows in contexts where it should not.</li>
- version: 1.12.1
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1618444800
    C: >-

        <li>Added Basque translation (thanks to @alexgabi)</li>


        <li>Updated to Italian translation (thanks to @albanobattistella).</li>
        <li>Updated to Brazilian Portugese translation (thanks to Felipe Simoes).</li>
        <li>Opening a file will automatically close an existing unsaved, unchanged tab.</li>
        <li>Changed color of connection drag handles to yellow.</li>
        <li>Making it easier to grab connection drag handle when it is close to connection handles.</li>
        <li>Reducing auto-saves when editing node text.</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Removed help information from PNG export panel.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with exporting images with connections/stickers which could get cropped out.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with empty tab when file cannot be loaded.</li>
        <li>Fixed issues with application crashes on startup in non-elementary environments.</li>
- version: 1.12.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1613001600
    C: >-

        <li>Added subscript and superscript support to Markdown parser.</li>
        <li>Added support for switching tabs with Control-Tab and Shift-Control-Tab.</li>
        <li>Added support for remembering last used open/save dialog directories.</li>
        <li>Added support for Alt-Left/Right/Up/Down keyboard shortcuts to rearrange sibling nodes.</li>
        <li>Added support for searching all tabs (thanks to @Messius58).</li>
        <li>Added about window for non-elementary builds.</li>
        <li>Added ability to move child nodes to parent via Alt+direction.</li>
        <li>Added support for including images in Markdown export.</li>


        <li>Added installation instructions to README.md for Debian (thanks to Robert Hubinak).</li>
        <li>Replaced export UI with a new, improved UI with support for export options.</li>
        <li>Moved add node menu items to a submenu.</li>
        <li>Improved focus mode behavior.</li>
        <li>Changed property header button to a toggle button and clarified the tooltip.</li>
        <li>Changed keyboard shortcut to open sidebar from Control-| to F9.</li>
        <li>Changed non-symbolic header bar icons to symbolic icons for non-elementary OS environments.</li>
        <li>Improved link drawing algorithm to make link connections easier to see.</li>
        <li>Changed Link Color in node inspector to Color to reflect the colors use.</li>
        <li>Improved task button drawing.</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Fixed issue where tab background colors were incorrect when changing tabs.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with getting valac pathname from Meson (thanks to paluszak).</li>
        <li>Added desktop update call to post_install.py script.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with sidebar sizing.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with remembering the sticker sidebar panel was last opened when restarting.</li>
        <li>Fixed layout issues when unfolding a parent with folded children.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with hiding node groups when the main node in group is folded.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with displaying link color in sidebar when root node is selected.</li>
        <li>Fixed alpha value used for drawing node grouping when encompassed nodes are not in focus when focus mode is enabled.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with saving manually added embedded links in node text.</li>
        <li>Fixed undo/redo text editing support.</li>
        <li>Updated keyboard shortcuts in help window.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue of tab content flashing when application opens with multiple tabs.</li>
        <li>Fixed error when closing a tab.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with undo&apos;ing text modifications.</li>
        <li>Fixed issues with style inspector scale widgets not properly reflecting their current value.</li>
        <li>Fixed various issues with node layout.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with undo&apos;ing the deletion of a single node.</li>
- version: 1.11.3
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1602806400
    C: >-

        <li>Updated Italian translation (thanks to Albano Battistella).</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Fixed application crash issues due to using custom themes.</li>
        <li>Added missing theme colors in custom theme pane.</li>
        <li>Fixed issues with application crash when editing a root node.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with filepath parser highlighting normal text that contains slash characters.</li>
- version: 1.11.1
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1600992000
    C: >-

        <li>Added Shift-e keyboard shortcut to edit note text for nodes and connections.</li>


        <li>Updated Italian translation (thanks to @albanobattistella).</li>
        <li>Improved automatic layout of node trees when adjacent tree sizes change.</li>
        <li>Changed node and connection contextual menus to show (Edit Note) instead of (Add Note) and (Remove Note) options.</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Fixing compilation issues.</li>
        <li>Fixing behavior of &apos;t&apos; command when node is selected.</li>
        <li>Fixing support for undo/redo of root node insertion.</li>
- version: 1.11.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1600214400
    C: >-

        <li>Added Preferences dialog.</li>
        <li>Added Portuguese translation (thanks to Andre Barata).</li>
        <li>Added keyboard shortcut (Menu or Shift-F10) to display contextual menus in mindmap.</li>
        <li>Added default theme preference option.</li>
        <li>Added preference option to select map items on cursor hover.</li>
        <li>Added Shift+Home/End support for selecting all text from current cursor to beginning/end of node or connection
      titles when editing.</li>
        <li>Added support for PlantUML import/export.</li>
        <li>Added support for displaying notifications on completion of export operation.</li>
        <li>Added keyboard shortcuts for displaying tabs in sidebar.</li>
        <li>Added support for making filepath URIs clickable in nodes, connections and notes (displays the files in the file
      manager application).</li>


        <li>When nodes are copied to clipboard, pasting them as text in an external application will be displayed as in text
      export format.</li>
        <li>When text is copied to the clipboard from an external application, pasting as nodes in Minder will parse in text
      import format.</li>
        <li>Improved look of menu accelerators and added missing accelerators.</li>
        <li>Changed &apos;t&apos; command to transition task status from disabled to enabled to done and back to disabled.</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Fixed issues with undo/redo of node/connection title changes.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with undoing a connection add operation.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with connection titles being clear when connection is moved to a different node.</li>
        <li>Fixed UI issue with changing window width by dragging right side of window when sidebar is hidden.</li>
        <li>Fixed issues with inputting special characters with US international keyboard.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue where images in resized nodes were not displaying properly on application restart.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue where copying a filename in a file manager and pasting in Minder would attempt to past the icon image
      instead of the filename when editing text.</li>
- version: 1.10.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1598486400
    C: >-

        <li>Added Markdown highlighting support to node titles.</li>
        <li>Added ability to set the maximum node size in style inspector.</li>
        <li>Added ability to set the maximum connection title size in style inspector.</li>
        <li>Added ability to set text field font size via gsetting.</li>
        <li>Added ability to set branch margin in the style inspector.</li>
        <li>Added ability to add stickers to nodes, connections and anywhere else in the mind map.</li>
        <li>Added ability to visually create and display node groupings.</li>
        <li>Added import/export support for XMind.</li>
        <li>Added support for specifying if connection titles should be added immediately after creating a connection.</li>
        <li>Added support for middle-click-and-drag to pan the canvas (Alt + mouse movement still supported).</li>
        <li>Added keyboard shortcut for the Zoom to Fit option (Control-1).</li>
        <li>Added new Mouse Events shortcut panel in shortcut cheatsheet.</li>


        <li>Removed the sidebar style affects selector and using the status of the current selection instead.</li>
        <li>Lowered the minimum node margin from 5 pixels to 1 pixel to allow for greater node density.</li>
        <li>Removed connection title editing field in sidebar for better UI consistency.</li>
        <li>Removed bold and italicized fonts from the style inspector font selectors.</li>
        <li>If connection title is empty, the title will be automatically removed.</li>
        <li>Updated application icon (thanks to Fatih20).</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Fixed issue with importing Freemind notes.</li>
        <li>Fixed display of right-to-left text within nodes.</li>
        <li>Fixed issues with loading a .minder file that contains errant information.</li>
        <li>Fixed issues with the layout of connection titles.</li>
        <li>Fixed input method support when editing connection titles.</li>
        <li>Fixed position of fold indicator when tree layout is Upwards.</li>
        <li>Fixed node display issue when a node link is clicked to a node that is folded.</li>
        <li>Fixed error when connection title is double clicked when no text is present.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with opening the same document twice (only one tab will now exist per file).</li>
        <li>Fixed Shift-Control-s keyboard shortcut to display the &apos;Save As&apos; dialog instead of the &apos;Open&apos;
        <li>Fixed issue that allows you to click on or drag onto a hidden node.</li>
- version: 1.9.2
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1596758400
    C: >-
      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Fixed issue with setting cursor position with mouse when zoom factor is not 100 percent.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with reading in Minder files that exceed the XML parser size limitations.</li>
- version: 1.9.1
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1594512000
    C: >-

        <li>Updated Italian translation (thanks to @albanobattistella).</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Fixed issue with setting cursor position with mouse when zoom factor is not 100 percent.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with reading in Minder files that exceed the XML parser size limitations.</li>
- version: 1.9.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1593129600
    C: >-

        <li>Added support for selecting nodes by dragging out a selection box.</li>
        <li>Added ability to configure the color used in connection titles.</li>
        <li>Added Italian translation (thanks to albanobattistella on GitHub).</li>


        <li>Refined and pixel fitted the application icon (thanks to Fatih20 on GitHub).</li>
        <li>Changed panning with mouse from left-click with motion to Alt with motion.</li>
        <li>Changed select parent to work with multiple selected nodes.</li>
        <li>Updated keyboard shortcuts cheatsheet for task commands.</li>
        <li>Updated Spanish translation (thanks to febrezo on GitHub).</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Fixed issues with changing connection styles.</li>
        <li>Fixed application crashes associated with changing layout to a balanceable layout with animations enabled.</li>
        <li>Fixed display of cursor when it is over a clickable feature in the mind map.</li>
        <li>Fixed issues with creating custom themes.</li>
        <li>Fixed cursor in note editor when Control key is held over a URL link.</li>
        <li>Fixed meson.build issue when comparing valac version.</li>
        <li>Fixed connection colors in dark themes to help them be more visible.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue where connection colors don&apos;t follow theme if they have not been manually changed.</li>
        <li>Fixed application crash when animation is disabled, a node is moved, animation is enabled and a node is moved.</li>
        <li>Fixed various issues with quick entry.</li>
        <li>Fixed ability to open one or more files from the command-line or from a file browser.</li>
        <li>Fixed issues with connection coloring.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with pasting UTF8 strings from clipboard.</li>
- version: 1.8.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1589673600
    C: >-

        <li>Added support for pasting an image or text as a new node.</li>
        <li>Added support for pasting an image or text, replacing the current node content.</li>
        <li>Added support for pasting text, replacing the current connection content.</li>
        <li>Added task support to Outliner import/export.</li>
        <li>Added keyboard shortcut (Control-E) to display export interface.</li>
        <li>Added support for creating a new root node hitting the Return key when no node is selected.</li>
        <li>Added ability to add a new root node via the contextual menu when no node is selected.</li>
        <li>Added ability to launch quick entry dialog via the contextual menu when no node is selected.</li>
        <li>Added node alignment support for manual node layouts.</li>
        <li>Added ability to create a connected root node.</li>
        <li>Added ability to replace/edit nodes via the Quick Entry feature.</li>


        <li>Updated image editor dialog button bar to include support for clipboard operations.</li>
        <li>Improved display of buttons in image area of the node inspector sidebar.</li>
        <li>Updated keyboard shortcut cheatsheet.</li>
        <li>Changed quick text entry keyboard shortcut from Control-E to Control-Shift-E.</li>
        <li>Changed the paste text in contextual menu to indicate what will be pasted.</li>
        <li>Updated Outliner import/export support for tasks.</li>
        <li>Added tooltip and changed cursor when cursor is over a link and the Control key is held down.</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Removed empty Outliner rows from being added when Outliner file is imported.</li>
        <li>Fixed loss of selection when shift key is held down and the background is clicked.</li>
        <li>Added themed background color to exported PDF format.</li>
        <li>Fixed exports to allow existing files to be overwritten.</li>
        <li>Fixed Org-Mode export syntax errors.</li>
- version: 1.7.3
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1587340800
    C: >-

        <li>Added support for using input methods.</li>
        <li>Added Dutch translation (thanks to Heimen Stoffels).</li>


        <li>Updated README.md to indicate which version of valac should be used if building from source.</li>
        <li>Changed unnamed default filename to use translated value.</li>
        <li>Updated French translations (thanks to Nathan Bonnemains).</li>
        <li>Changed tab colors to match current document background.</li>
        <li>Adjusted dark theme to help with current tab contrast.</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Fixed issue with New Document plank command to load application data before opening new tab.</li>
        <li>Fixed build issues with compiling libarchive code using newer versions of libarchive and valac.</li>
        <li>Fixed issues with translating shortcut cheetsheat strings.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with exporting images when manual layout mode is selected.</li>
- version: 1.7.2
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1585180800
    C: >-

        <li>Added support for importing/exporting Outliner files (new app in AppCenter!).</li>
        <li>Added map inspector switch to enable/disable automatic rotation of main branch link color selection.</li>
        <li>Added ability to set all selected nodes to a specific color.</li>
        <li>Added ability to set all selected nodes to a randomly selected link color.</li>
        <li>Added ability to allow descendant nodes to have different link colors than ancestor nodes.</li>
        <li>Added ability to cause a descendant node with a different color than its parent to re-use the parent color.</li>
        <li>Added ability to select children nodes using Control-click.</li>
        <li>Added ability to export a mind-map as a new Portable Minder filetype which will allow Minder files to be copied
      between different users/filesystems.</li>
        <li>Added ability to export to Org-Mode format.</li>


        <li>Updated French translation (thanks to Nathan Bonnemains).</li>
        <li>Improved OPML import support.</li>
        <li>Changed ability to select a subtree by Control + double-click.</li>
        <li>Changed ability to select all nodes of the current level by Control + triple-click.</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Fixed NodeJS version for Travis CI.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with adding a new child node that doesn&apos;t cause other descendant nodes to unfold.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with showing/hiding sidebar.</li>
        <li>Fixed segmentation faults when loading a theme.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with the style inspector Change Affect value when selection changes (thanks to Viliam K.).</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with node markup within the node text (thanks to Viliam K).</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with tab state not being properly saved when a new tab is added.</li>
        <li>Fixed bug with updating tab tooltip and saving tab state when filename is changed.</li>
- version: 1.6.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1577318400
    C: >-

        <li>Added ability to delete a single node (instead of the node and its subtree) in the contextual menu.</li>
        <li>When a new document is first saved, the first root node text is used as the default filename.</li>
        <li>Added multi-select support which includes:  Changing styles; Copy, cut, paste and delete support; Connect two
      selected nodes;
                  Create node links between two or more selected nodes; and Fold/unfold selected nodes.</li>
        <li>Added support for URLs in node titles.</li>
        <li>Added support for Markdown within a note:  Notes are syntax highlighted; and Embedded URLs can be opened by Control-Clicking
      on them.</li>


        <li>Updated application icon and other recently improved icons for improved readability (thanks to Nararyans R.I.).</li>
        <li>Improved look and readability of theme icons in the sidebar.</li>
        <li>Changed sidebar to display theme icons in a grid layout.</li>
        <li>Improved various export format output.</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Fixed various compiler warnings/errors after compiling with latest version of Vala compiler.</li>
- version: 1.5.1
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1574467200
    C: >-

        <li>Improved various icons (thanks to Nararyans R.I.)</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Downgraded Node.js to fix Travis CI builds</li>
        <li>Fixed various compiler errors/warnings</li>
- version: 1.5.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1567814400
    C: >-

        <li>Added export to yEd.</li>
        <li>Added ability to create, edit and delete custom themes.</li>
        <li>Added new quick entry mode, allowing node trees to be input within a text editor.</li>
        <li>Added Control-W keyboard shortcut to close the current tab.</li>
        <li>Added shortcut exploration help window (use F1 key to display).</li>


        <li>New search icon which has better contrast for Minder&apos;s themed header bar (thanks to Nararyans R.I.).</li>
        <li>New non-symbolic sidebar icon in header bar (thanks to Nararyans R.I.).</li>
        <li>New Minder application icon which fits in with the elementary OS color scheme better (thansk to Nararyans R.I.).</li>
        <li>New focus icon in header bar (thanks to Nararyans R.I.).</li>
        <li>Improved styling when creating a new node/connection.</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Fixed issue where separate trees in same mind-map where allowed to overlap.</li>
        <li>Fixed node link drawing issue when using manual layout mode.</li>
        <li>Fixed issues drawing arrows properly when straight node links were being used.</li>
        <li>Fixed display issues with the node fill switch in the style inspector.</li>
        <li>Fixed support for cut, copy and pasting connection title text.</li>
        <li>Fixed keyboard shortcut for toggling focus mode.</li>
- version: 1.4.1
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1563062400
    C: >-
        <li>Fixed issue with automatic layout that was introduced in 1.4.0.</li>
- version: 1.4.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1562112000
    C: >-

        <li>Added support for focus mode.</li>
        <li>Added support for multiple documents with tabs.</li>
        <li>Added support for resizing the inspector sidebar.</li>
        <li>Added support for creating a new node directly from editing an existing node presssing Return or Tab.</li>
        <li>Added support for adding a new parent node to an existing node.</li>
        <li>Added support for importing/exporting to FreeMind and Freeplane formats.</li>
        <li>Added support for sorting children either alphabetically or randomly.</li>
        <li>Added support for creating a link from one node to another node in the same map.</li>
        <li>Added support for building a Flatpak.</li>


        <li>Removed markup from translated strings.</li>
        <li>Standardized tooltips that display accelerator information.</li>
        <li>Changed the way that node/connection titles are displayed in inspector.</li>
        <li>Changed app terminal script to allow command-line arguments to be passed to debug subcommand.</li>
        <li>Changed header bar and widget colors to match Minder brand color.</li>
        <li>Changed search icon in header bar to a symbolic icon to improve readability.</li>
        <li>When note tooltip is displayed, markup text is rendered for improved readability.</li>
        <li>Enhanced app script to allow command-line arguments to be passed to debug subcommand.</li>

      <p>Bug Fixes</p>

        <li>Fixed an issue with calculating connection endpoints when a portion of the node is not visible.</li>
        <li>Fixed file naming issue when a file is imported.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with displaying resized nodes on open or application startup.</li>
- version: 1.3.1
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1559433600
    C: >-
        <li>Fixing issue with export functions.</li>
- version: 1.3.0
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1558310400
    C: >-
      <p>Let&apos;s stay connected!</p>

        <li>Added support for creating a visual connection between any two nodes.</li>
        <li>Added ability to show/hide all connections in the map.</li>
        <li>Added support for remembering the last selected child of a node when navigating the map with the keyboard.</li>
        <li>When escape key is used when editing text, editing mode is ended without reverting text.</li>
        <li>Created unique contextual menus depending on what is selected in the mind map.</li>
        <li>Changed Node sidebar tab to Current which shows either the currently selected node or connection.</li>
        <li>Improved link drawing when a node tree is being moved.</li>
        <li>Switched from using GtkFileChooserDialog to GtkFileChooserNative.</li>
        <li>Added support for inserting emoji when editing text in the mind map (use Control-period).</li>
        <li>Improved readability of theme name when the theme is selected.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue where changing a global style was not saved/applied to new nodes.</li>
        <li>Improved copy/paste support of nodes so that copied items can be pasted in other mind maps.</li>
        <li>Added support for dynamically changing to dark mode in the UI if the prefer-dark desktop gsetting is set.</li>
        <li>Added ability to show/hide each panel within the style inspector.</li>
        <li>Removed support for Loki builds.</li>
- version: 1.2.1
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1554854400
    C: >-
        <li>Fixing appdata.xml file omission.</li>
        <li>Removing automatic style apply when the affects is set to certain values.</li>
- version: '1.2'
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1554768000
    C: >-
        <li>Added Spanish translation.</li>
        <li>Added support for Control-Return/Tab to support adding newlines/tabs in a node&apos;s title.</li>
        <li>Improved node title editing support for selection and cursor movement.</li>
        <li>Added support for automatically opening Minder files from Files.</li>
        <li>Added ability to modify styles of nodes and links.</li>
        <li>Changed layouts to be stored on a per tree basis instead of a per document basis.</li>
        <li>Added support for exporting to the Mermaid format.</li>
        <li>Added support for disabling/enabling displaying markup in node title.</li>
        <li>Improved the look of the fold indicators.</li>
        <li>Lots of bug fixes.</li>
- version: 1.1.3
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1539388800
    C: >-
        <li>Adding Spanish translation (thanks to Adolfo Jayme-Barrientos).</li>
        <li>Adding support for special character insertion via the Compose key.</li>
- version: 1.1.2
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1539043200
    C: >-
      <p>Updating French translation.</p>
- version: 1.1.1
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1538006400
    C: >-
      <p>Bug fix release</p>

        <li>Fixed bugs related to editing unicode characters in map area.</li>
        <li>Reduced height of node textbox in sidebar to help alleviate window sizing problems.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with moving a node to a different position within a parent node.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue connecting a root node to another node.</li>
- version: '1.1'
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1537228800
    C: >-
      <p>Images now supported!</p>

        <li>Added support for images within nodes.</li>
        <li>Added basic image editing support.</li>
        <li>Added support for dragging and dropping local and web images.</li>
        <li>Added support for resizing node width.</li>
        <li>Changed cursors when over a task button.</li>
        <li>Changed location of task and note elements in a node.</li>
        <li>Added support for keeping the map from scrolling off screen.</li>
        <li>Added support for shift-mousewheel to scroll horizontally.</li>
        <li>Added support for control-mousewheel to zoom in/out.</li>
        <li>Fixed issue with drawing background when zoom factor was small.</li>
        <li>Custom icons are now stored as a gresource rather than in the file system.</li>
        <li>Other minor bug fixes.</li>
- version: 1.0.8
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1533513600
    C: >-
      <p>Support for more export types and bug fixes.</p>

        <li>Added support for exporting to SVG, JPEG, BMP, Markdown, PlainText and CSV formats.</li>
        <li>Added support for folding all completed tasks in map inspector.</li>
        <li>Added support for unfolding all folded nodes in map inspector.</li>
        <li>Added Solarized Dark and Solarized Light themes.</li>
        <li>Changing button display in map inspector.</li>
        <li>Cleaning up Export menu to include a single &quot;Export&quot; option.</li>
        <li>Fixing issue where modified node title in node inspector was lost when input focus was changed.</li>
        <li>Fixing issue where an entire tree is attached to another tree.</li>
        <li>Added Czech translation (thanks to Jan Marek!).</li>
        <li>Added French translation (thanks to Yannick A.!).</li>
        <li>Added Brazilian Portuguese translation (thanks to btd1337!)</li>
- version: 1.0.7
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1531440000
    C: >-
      <p>Initial startup bug fix.</p>
- version: 1.0.4
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1531267200
    C: >-
      <p>Search improvements and bug fixes</p>

        <li>Added ability to search within notes.</li>
        <li>Added ability to optionally control search criteria within search popover.</li>
        <li>Fixed screenshots.</li>
        <li>Changed properties header bar icon to a sidebar hide/show icon for clarity.</li>
        <li>Several minor UI improvements.</li>
        <li>Removing deprecated GTK calls.</li>
        <li>Added ability to double-click on a node to make it editable.</li>
        <li>Bug fixes.</li>
- version: 1.0.2
  type: stable
  unix-timestamp: 1530230400
    C: >-
      <p>Initial release</p>
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