⇦ | com.github.matfantinel.reminduck [main]
Last updated on: 2023-04-26 09:18 [UTC]

Metadata for com.github.matfantinel.reminduck in main

com.github.matfantinel.reminduck - 1.5.6 ⚙ amd64

Type: desktop-application
ID: com.github.matfantinel.reminduck
Package: com.github.matfantinel.reminduck
  tr: Reminduck
  C: Reminduck
  fr: Reminduck
  it: Reminduck
  pt: Reminduck
  de: Reminduck
  nl: Reminduck
  fr: Souvenez-vous de vos affaires d'une façon adorablement ennuyeuse.
  C: Remember your stuff in an adorably annoying way.
  it: Ricordati dei tuoi promemoria in un modo adorabile.
  es: Recuerde sus cosas de una manera adorablemente molesta
  de: Vergiss nichts mehr auf eine nervig süße Art und Weise
  nl: Vergeet nooit meer iets, en wordt op schattige doch irritante manier herinnerd.
  fr: >-
    <p>Reminduck est une simple application de rappel rapide et facile d&apos;utilisation. Elle se focalise sur les rappels
    simples ou réguliers avec une date et une heure définies et rien d&apos;autre.</p>

    <p>C&apos;est parfait si vous souhaitez avoir de simples rappels journaliers, hebdomadaires ou mensuels. Tout ce qui pourrait
    être fait de plus n&apos;est pas faisable par Reminduck pour l&apos;instant, mais vous pouvez aider !Ouvrez une issue
    ou une pull request si vous avez des idées ou demandes.</p>

    <p>Et il fait coin coin.</p>
  C: >-
    <p>Reminduck is a simple reminder app made to be quick and easy - it focuses on simple or recurrent reminders with set
    time and date and nothing else.</p>

    <p>It&apos;s perfect if all you want are simple or daily/weekly/monthly reminders. Anything more than that is not achievable
    by Reminduck right now - but you can help! Open an issue or a pull request if you have any ideas or requests.</p>

    <p>And it quacks.</p>
  tr: >-
    <p>Vaklamasını da bilir.</p>
  it: >-
    <p>Reminduck è una semplice app di promemoria creata per essere semplice e veloce- si concentra su promemoria semplici
    o ricorrenti con data e ora impostate, nient&apos;altro.</p>

    <p>È perfetto se tutto ciò che desideri, supporta promemoria semplici o giornalieri/settimanali/mensili. Al momento Reminduck
    si limita a questo - ma tupuò aiutare! Segnala un problema o effettua una richiesta.</p>

    <p>E quack.</p>
  de: >-
    <p>Reminduck ist eine Erinnerungsapp mit Fokus auf Einfachheit und Effizienz. Sie erlaubt einfache oder sich wiederholende
    Erinnerungen zu bestimmter Zeit und/oder Datum.</p>

    <p>Sie ist perfekt um sich einfache tägliche/wöchentliche/monatliche Erinnerungen zu setzen. Anspruchsvollere Aufgaben
    können zurzeit nicht mit Reminduck erledigt werden, aber Du kannst helfen! Öffne einen Issue oder eine Pull Request falls
    Du Ideen oder Vorschläge hast.</p>

    <p>Und es quakt.</p>
  es: >-
    <p>Reminduck es una aplicación de recordatorios hecha para ser rápida y sencilla - enfocada en recordatorios simples o
    recurrentes, con hora y fecha establecidas y nada más.</p>

    <p>Es perfecto si lo que busca son recordatorios simples, diarios, semanales, o mensuales. Reminduck no puede lograr nada
    más que eso por ahora, ¡pero usted puede ayudar! Abra un &apos;issue&apos; o haga una &apos;pull request&apos; si tiene
    alguna idea o solicitud.</p>

    <p>Y grazna.</p>
  nl: >-
    <p>Reminduck herinnert je. Het programma is makkelijk in het gebruik en legt de nadruk op eenvoudige herinneringen met
    een ingestelde datum en tijd. Niks meer, niks minder.</p>

    <p>Het is perfect voor eenvoudige herinneringen, al dan niet terugkerend (dagelijks/wekelijks/maandelijks). Meer is er
    momenteel niet mogelijk, maar je kunt meehelpen: open een &apos;issue&apos; of &apos;pull request&apos; op GitHub als
    ideeën of verzoekjes hebt.</p>

    <p>En het kwaakt.</p>
  C: Matheus Fantinel
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+
- Utility
- Utility
  - Reminduck
  - Personnel
  - Assistant
  - Rappels
  - Reminduck
  - Personal
  - Assistant
  - Reminders
  - Reminduck
  - Persinale
  - Assistente
  - Promemoria
  - Reminduck
  - Persönlich
  - Assistent
  - Erinnerungen
  - Reminduck
  - Persoonlijk
  - Assistent
  - Herinneringen
  homepage: https://github.com/matfantinel/reminduck
  bugtracker: https://github.com/matfantinel/reminduck/issues
  help: https://github.com/matfantinel/reminduck/issues
  - name: com.github.matfantinel.reminduck_com.github.matfantinel.reminduck.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: com.github.matfantinel.reminduck_com.github.matfantinel.reminduck.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - name: com.github.matfantinel.reminduck_com.github.matfantinel.reminduck.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
    scale: 2
  - com.github.matfantinel.reminduck.desktop
  - com.github.matfantinel.reminduck
- default: true
  - url: com/github/matfantinel.reminduck/37C5E6970555929D2724C4536B52639B/screenshots/image-1_752x575.png
    width: 752
    height: 575
  - url: com/github/matfantinel.reminduck/37C5E6970555929D2724C4536B52639B/screenshots/image-1_624x477.png
    width: 624
    height: 477
  - url: com/github/matfantinel.reminduck/37C5E6970555929D2724C4536B52639B/screenshots/image-1_224x171.png
    width: 224
    height: 171
    url: com/github/matfantinel.reminduck/37C5E6970555929D2724C4536B52639B/screenshots/image-1_orig.png
    width: 780
    height: 597
- thumbnails:
  - url: com/github/matfantinel.reminduck/37C5E6970555929D2724C4536B52639B/screenshots/image-2_752x575.png
    width: 752
    height: 575
  - url: com/github/matfantinel.reminduck/37C5E6970555929D2724C4536B52639B/screenshots/image-2_624x477.png
    width: 624
    height: 477
  - url: com/github/matfantinel.reminduck/37C5E6970555929D2724C4536B52639B/screenshots/image-2_224x171.png
    width: 224
    height: 171
    url: com/github/matfantinel.reminduck/37C5E6970555929D2724C4536B52639B/screenshots/image-2_orig.png
    width: 780
    height: 597
- thumbnails:
  - url: com/github/matfantinel.reminduck/37C5E6970555929D2724C4536B52639B/screenshots/image-3_752x575.png
    width: 752
    height: 575
  - url: com/github/matfantinel.reminduck/37C5E6970555929D2724C4536B52639B/screenshots/image-3_624x477.png
    width: 624
    height: 477
  - url: com/github/matfantinel.reminduck/37C5E6970555929D2724C4536B52639B/screenshots/image-3_224x171.png
    width: 224
    height: 171
    url: com/github/matfantinel.reminduck/37C5E6970555929D2724C4536B52639B/screenshots/image-3_orig.png
    width: 780
    height: 597
- thumbnails:
  - url: com/github/matfantinel.reminduck/37C5E6970555929D2724C4536B52639B/screenshots/image-4_752x575.png
    width: 752
    height: 575
  - url: com/github/matfantinel.reminduck/37C5E6970555929D2724C4536B52639B/screenshots/image-4_624x477.png
    width: 624
    height: 477
  - url: com/github/matfantinel.reminduck/37C5E6970555929D2724C4536B52639B/screenshots/image-4_224x171.png
    width: 224
    height: 171
    url: com/github/matfantinel.reminduck/37C5E6970555929D2724C4536B52639B/screenshots/image-4_orig.png
    width: 780
    height: 597
- version: 1.5.6
  unix-timestamp: 1580428800
    C: "<ul>\n  <li>- \U0001F1E9\U0001F1EA German translation (@Technipion)</li>\n  <li>- \U0001F1EE\U0001F1F9 Updated italian
      translation (@albanobattistella)</li>\n</ul>"
- version: 1.5.5
  unix-timestamp: 1579305600
    C: "<ul>\n  <li>\U0001F41E Enable translations on Flatpak</li>\n</ul>"
- version: 1.5.0
  unix-timestamp: 1578614400
    C: "<ul>\n  <li>\U0001F5C3️ Flatpak Support!</li>\n</ul>"
- version: 1.4.0
  unix-timestamp: 1574899200
    C: "<ul>\n  <li>\U0001F311 Dark-mode toggle on the header bar</li>\n  <li>\U0001F514 Notifications now stick around until
      you close them, to make sure you don&apos;t miss your quacks</li>\n  <li>\U0001F31F Support for additional GTK themes,
      making Reminduck distro-agnostic</li>\n  <li>\U0001F1EA\U0001F1F8 Spanish Translation (Alejandro Elí | @onerbs)</li>\n
      \ <li>\U0001F1EE\U0001F1F9 Italian Translation (Mirko Brombin | @mirkobrombin)</li>\n</ul>"
- version: 1.3.0
  unix-timestamp: 1572998400
    C: "<ul>\n  <li>\U0001F425️ New Icon! - hopefully this one looks better than the previous one. With great help from Nararyans
      R.I. (@Fatih20)</li>\n  <li>\U0001F481‍ Increased compatibility with translations (Corentin Noël | @tintou)</li>\n  <li>\U0001F1E8\U0001F1F5️
      French Translation (Nathan Bonnemains | @NathanBnm)</li>\n</ul>"
- version: 1.2.0
  unix-timestamp: 1571184000
    C: "<ul>\n  <li>\U0001F501️ Recurrent reminders - you can now have reminders that show up in set periods of time: every
      day, week, month, or a set interval</li>\n  <li>\U0001F31F️ General UI improvements to make settings up quacks more
      pleasant</li>\n  <li>\U0001F303️ Dark Mode is now prettier</li>\n  <li>\U0001F1F9\U0001F1F7 Turkish translation (libreajans)</li>\n
      \ <li>\U0001F1F3\U0001F1F1 Dutch translation (Vistaus)</li>\n</ul>"
- version: 1.1.0
  unix-timestamp: 1570752000
    C: "<ul>\n  <li>Support the unofficial &quot;Prefer Dark Theme&quot; setting \U0001F31D️</li>\n  <li>This should also
      make it work with other dark GTK themes</li>\n</ul>"
- version: 1.0.0
  unix-timestamp: 1570579200
    C: "<p>Initial Release \U0001F986</p>"
    violence-cartoon: none
    violence-fantasy: none
    violence-realistic: none
    violence-bloodshed: none
    violence-sexual: none
    violence-desecration: none
    violence-slavery: none
    violence-worship: none
    drugs-alcohol: none
    drugs-narcotics: none
    drugs-tobacco: none
    sex-nudity: none
    sex-themes: none
    sex-homosexuality: none
    sex-prostitution: none
    sex-adultery: none
    sex-appearance: none
    language-profanity: none
    language-humor: none
    language-discrimination: none
    social-chat: none
    social-info: none
    social-audio: none
    social-location: none
    social-contacts: none
    money-purchasing: none
    money-gambling: none
  x-appcenter-suggested-price: '0'
  x-appcenter-color-primary: '#3D3D3D'
  x-appcenter-color-primary-text: '#FFF394'