⇦ | com.github.bcedu.museic [main]
Last updated on: 2023-04-26 09:18 [UTC]

Metadata for com.github.bcedu.museic in main

com.github.bcedu.museic - 2.1.3 ⚙ amd64

Type: desktop-application
ID: com.github.bcedu.museic
Package: com.github.bcedu.museic
  C: MuseIC
  C: Simple and fast music player with remote control
  C: >-
    <p>MuseIC is a fast and simple music player with remote control from any device through internet browser.</p>

      <li>Play music files and add them to music library</li>
      <li>Sort by name, artis and album (it handles ID3 metadata tags)</li>
      <li>Connect to the address given by MuseIC and control the media from any device (mobile phone, tablet, etc.) with a
    web browser</li>

    <p>Any resemblance between the name and some awesome music band is pure coincidence.</p>
  C: Eduard Berloso Clarà
ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+
- Music
- AudioVideo
- Audio
- AudioVideo
- Audio
  - MuseIC
  - museic
  - music
  - player
  - audio
  - Player
  - Audio
  homepage: https://github.com/bcedu/MuseIC
  bugtracker: https://github.com/bcedu/MuseIC/issues
  help: https://github.com/bcedu/MuseIC/issues
  - name: com.github.bcedu.museic_com.github.bcedu.museic.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
  - name: com.github.bcedu.museic_com.github.bcedu.museic.png
    width: 128
    height: 128
  - name: com.github.bcedu.museic_com.github.bcedu.museic.png
    width: 64
    height: 64
    scale: 2
  - com.github.bcedu.museic.desktop
  - com.github.bcedu.museic
  - x-content/audio-player
  - x-content/audio-cdda
  - application/ogg
  - application/x-extension-m4a
  - application/x-extension-mp4
  - application/x-flac
  - application/x-ogg
  - audio/3gpp
  - audio/aac
  - audio/ac3
  - audio/AMR
  - audio/AMR-WB
  - audio/basic
  - audio/flac
  - audio/midi
  - audio/mp2
  - audio/mp4
  - audio/mpeg
  - audio/ogg
  - audio/vnd.rn-realaudio
  - audio/x-aiff
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  - audio/x-flac
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  - audio/x-it
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  - audio/x-mpeg
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  - audio/x-ms-wax
  - audio/x-ms-wma
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  - audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin
  - audio/x-pn-wav
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  - audio/x-realaudio
  - audio/x-real-audio
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  - audio/x-vorbis
  - audio/x-vorbis+ogg
  - audio/x-wav
  - audio/x-wavpack
  - audio/x-xm
  - x-content/audio-player
  - x-content/audio-cdda
  - application/ogg
  - application/x-extension-m4a
  - application/x-extension-mp4
  - application/x-flac
  - application/x-ogg
  - audio/3gpp
  - audio/aac
  - audio/ac3
  - audio/AMR
  - audio/AMR-WB
  - audio/basic
  - audio/flac
  - audio/midi
  - audio/mp2
  - audio/mp4
  - audio/mpeg
  - audio/ogg
  - audio/vnd.rn-realaudio
  - audio/x-aiff
  - audio/x-ape
  - audio/x-flac
  - audio/x-gsm
  - audio/x-it
  - audio/x-m4a
  - audio/x-matroska
  - audio/x-mod
  - audio/x-mp3
  - audio/x-mpeg
  - audio/x-mpegurl
  - audio/x-ms-asf
  - audio/x-ms-asx
  - audio/x-ms-wax
  - audio/x-ms-wma
  - audio/x-musepack
  - audio/x-opus+ogg
  - audio/x-pn-aiff
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  - audio/x-pn-realaudio
  - audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin
  - audio/x-pn-wav
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  - audio/x-realaudio
  - audio/x-real-audio
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  - audio/x-scpls
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  - audio/x-vorbis
  - audio/x-vorbis+ogg
  - audio/x-wav
  - audio/x-wavpack
  - audio/x-xm
  - x-content/audio-player
  - x-content/audio-cdda
  - application/ogg
  - application/x-extension-m4a
  - application/x-extension-mp4
  - application/x-flac
  - application/x-ogg
  - audio/3gpp
  - audio/aac
  - audio/ac3
  - audio/AMR
  - audio/AMR-WB
  - audio/basic
  - audio/flac
  - audio/midi
  - audio/mp2
  - audio/mp4
  - audio/mpeg
  - audio/ogg
  - audio/vnd.rn-realaudio
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  - audio/x-flac
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  - audio/x-it
  - audio/x-m4a
  - audio/x-matroska
  - audio/x-mod
  - audio/x-mp3
  - audio/x-mpeg
  - audio/x-mpegurl
  - audio/x-ms-asf
  - audio/x-ms-asx
  - audio/x-ms-wax
  - audio/x-ms-wma
  - audio/x-musepack
  - audio/x-opus+ogg
  - audio/x-pn-aiff
  - audio/x-pn-au
  - audio/x-pn-realaudio
  - audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin
  - audio/x-pn-wav
  - audio/x-pn-windows-acm
  - audio/x-realaudio
  - audio/x-real-audio
  - audio/x-sbc
  - audio/x-scpls
  - audio/x-speex
  - audio/x-tta
  - audio/x-vorbis
  - audio/x-vorbis+ogg
  - audio/x-wav
  - audio/x-wavpack
  - audio/x-xm
  - x-content/audio-player
  - x-content/audio-cdda
  - application/ogg
  - application/x-extension-m4a
  - application/x-extension-mp4
  - application/x-flac
  - application/x-ogg
  - audio/3gpp
  - audio/aac
  - audio/ac3
  - audio/AMR
  - audio/AMR-WB
  - audio/basic
  - audio/flac
  - audio/midi
  - audio/mp2
  - audio/mp4
  - audio/mpeg
  - audio/ogg
  - audio/vnd.rn-realaudio
  - audio/x-aiff
  - audio/x-ape
  - audio/x-flac
  - audio/x-gsm
  - audio/x-it
  - audio/x-m4a
  - audio/x-matroska
  - audio/x-mod
  - audio/x-mp3
  - audio/x-mpeg
  - audio/x-mpegurl
  - audio/x-ms-asf
  - audio/x-ms-asx
  - audio/x-ms-wax
  - audio/x-ms-wma
  - audio/x-musepack
  - audio/x-opus+ogg
  - audio/x-pn-aiff
  - audio/x-pn-au
  - audio/x-pn-realaudio
  - audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin
  - audio/x-pn-wav
  - audio/x-pn-windows-acm
  - audio/x-realaudio
  - audio/x-real-audio
  - audio/x-sbc
  - audio/x-scpls
  - audio/x-speex
  - audio/x-tta
  - audio/x-vorbis
  - audio/x-vorbis+ogg
  - audio/x-wav
  - audio/x-wavpack
  - audio/x-xm
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- version: 2.1.3
  unix-timestamp: 1536624000
    C: >-
      <p>MuseIC Release</p>

        <li>Compatibility with elementary Juno</li>
        <li>UI changes to make it more &quot;elementary style&quot;</li>
        <li>Added artists search bar</li>
        <li>Added files search bar</li>
        <li>Added button to edit metadata: name, artist and album (only for the museic library)</li>
        <li>Added button to delete files from the filelist</li>
        <li>Improved artists list with scrollbar</li>
        <li>Show the duration of each file in the filelist and playlist</li>
        <li>Show artist&apos;s playlist by clicking current artist</li>
        <li>Pressing the name of the current song brings you the current filelist and scrolls you to the song</li>
        <li>Hit &quot;space&quot; to make play / pause</li>
        <li>Hit right / left change song</li>
- version: 2.1.0
  unix-timestamp: 1536624000
    C: >-
      <p>MuseIC Release</p>

        <li>Compatibility with elementary Juno</li>
        <li>UI changes to make it more &quot;elementary style&quot;</li>
        <li>Added artists search bar</li>
        <li>Added files search bar</li>
        <li>Added button to edit metadata: name, artist and album (only for the museic library)</li>
        <li>Added button to delete files from the filelist</li>
        <li>Improved artists list with scrollbar</li>
        <li>Show the duration of each file in the filelist and playlist</li>
        <li>Show artist&apos;s playlist by clicking current artist</li>
        <li>Pressing the name of the current song brings you the current filelist and scrolls you to the song</li>
        <li>Hit &quot;space&quot; to make play / pause</li>
        <li>Hit right / left change song</li>
- version: 2.0.2
  unix-timestamp: 1531440000
    C: >-
      <p>MuseIC Release</p>

        <li>UI changes to make it more &quot;elementary style&quot;</li>
        <li>Added artists search bar</li>
        <li>Added files search bar</li>
        <li>Added button to edit metadata: name, artist and album (only for the museic library)</li>
        <li>Added button to delete files from the filelist</li>
        <li>Improved artists list with scrollbar</li>
        <li>Show the duration of each file in the filelist and playlist</li>
        <li>Show artist&apos;s playlist by clicking current artist</li>
        <li>Pressing the name of the current song brings you the current filelist and scrolls you to the song</li>
        <li>Hit &quot;space&quot; to make play / pause</li>
        <li>Hit right / left change song</li>
- version: 2.0.0
  unix-timestamp: 1526083200
    C: >-
      <p>MuseIC Release</p>

        <li>Added artists search bar</li>
        <li>Added files search bar</li>
        <li>Added button to edit metadata: name, artist and album (only for the museic library)</li>
        <li>Added button to delete files from the filelist</li>
        <li>Improved artists list with scrollbar</li>
        <li>Show the duration of each file in the filelist and playlist</li>
        <li>Show artist&apos;s playlist by clicking current artist</li>
        <li>Pressing the name of the current song brings you the current filelist and scrolls you to the song</li>
        <li>Hit &quot;space&quot; to make play / pause</li>
        <li>Hit right / left change song</li>
- version: 1.5.1
  unix-timestamp: 1516406400
    C: >-
      <p>MuseIC Release</p>

        <li>Fixes a bug which made that when sorting the current filelist and playing a file it wasn&apos;t played the correct
- version: 1.5.0
  unix-timestamp: 1511568000
    C: >-
      <p>MuseIC Release</p>

        <li>New style (better style, I hope...)</li>
        <li>Continue playing music when window is closed</li>
        <li>Allow navigate through artists (and adding files to queque) without stoping playback</li>
- version: 1.3.0
  unix-timestamp: 1506470400
    C: >-
      <p>MuseIC Release</p>

        <li>Play music files and add them to music library</li>
        <li>Sort by name, artis and album (it handles ID3 metadata tags)</li>
        <li>Connect to the address given by MuseIC and control the media from any device (mobile phone, tablet, etc.) with
      a web browser</li>
  x-appcenter-suggested-price: '0'
  x-appcenter-color-primary: '#ffffff'
  x-appcenter-color-primary-text: rgb(0,0,0)